Karma preprocessor to compile Lo-Dash templates on the fly.
npm install karma-lodash-template-preprocessor --save-dev
Following code shows the default configuration.
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function( config ) {
preprocessors: {
"**/*.template.js": [ "lodash" ]
lodashPreprocessor: {
// Template data. You can use function, which returns object
data: {
"this will be passed": "to _.template as second argument"
// Options passed to the _.template function as third argument:
options: {
interpolate: /regexp/,
variable: "info"
// Full list: http://lodash.com/docs#template
// Filename transform function ("file.template.js" > "file.js"):
transformPath: function( path ) {
return path.replace( /\.template\./i, "." );