
BRInesia Test iOS Native Fibonacci, Anagram, and Permutation

Primary LanguageSwift


BRInesia Test iOS Native Fibonacci, Anagram, and Permutation. This project was created using Xcode 12.4 with SwiftUI.

Logo BRInesiaTest


  1. Make Textfield to input the Fibonacci number and button to process those number. The output is a set of Fibonacci numbers in a Text.
  2. Make Two Textfield to input a word in each and a button to process that input, to see whether the two inputs are Anagram or not. The output is a sentence that states whether the two inputs are Anagram or not in Text.
  3. Make Two Textfield to input numbers, namely n and r, and a button to process n and r to calculate the results of permutation without repetition. The output is the result of the calculation in Text.




I made this project to fulfill the BRInesia Mobile Developer Test.

© Delta R F D 2021