
Arduino library for Delta-Robot One (Arduino Library Manager)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

How to install the library? Follow this link for a short introduction using the official arduino IDE:

>>>install the library<<<

If you start the robot at the first time use the full system demo to check out how Delta-Robot One works.

>>>full system demo<<<

The second step is to write your own applications for this robot using the system library. Do some examples first to learn how to use the library functions works! Use the one system library wiki to check out all examples.

>>>one system library wiki<<<

Examples are implemented in the one system library. If you use the arduino IDE navigate to
File->Examples->OneSystemLibrary and check out what you can do with this smart little robot.

We recommended the move basic example to do your own first moves with the robot.

>>>move basic example<<<

If you want to learn something about the workingspace of the robot check out the documentation or use the workingspace example:

>>>workingspace documentation<<<

You can use the demo to move around the working area of the robot.

>>>workingspace example<<<


Class Function/Object Example
DeltaRobotOne DeltaRobotOne Hello World
setup Hello World
setID Remote example
getID ToDo
functions Functions example
move Move basic example
Speed control example
Kinematics example
light Light basic example
Light blink example
Light fade example
display Display example
button Button example
encoder Encoder example
power Hello World
Remote example
gripper Gripper example
remote Remote example
screen Screen example
menu Menu example
livemode ToDo
servosetup ToDo
------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------


Class Function Example
Button push Button example
release Button example
clicked Button example
Display printLine1 Display example
printLine2 Display example
printText Display example
printSign ToDo
Encoder setup ToDo
getValue Encoder example
setValue ToDo
setLimitMin Encoder example
setLimitMax Encoder example
getLimitMin ToDo
getLimitMax ToDo
reset Encoder example
ExternalMotor start External motor example
stop External motor example
getSpeed ToDo
setSpeed External motor example
getStatus ToDo
control ToDo
Functions waitFor Functions example
pulse Encoder example
Gripper open Gripper example
close Gripper example
getStatus Gripper example
Light on Light basic example
off Light basic example
setColour Light basic example
setIntensity Light basic example
blink Light blink example
blinkFast Light blink example
blinkSlow Light blink example
blinkTime Light blink example
fade Light fade example
fadeFast Light fade example
fadeSlow Light fade example
fadeReset Light fade example
heartbeat Light fade example
Menu setItem Menu example
start Menu example
Move setup ToDo
setupPosition ToDo
ptp Move basic example
Speed control example
getPosition ToDo
getAngles ToDo
setKinematics Kinematics example
setWorkingSpace Kinematics example
Power bluetoothOn Remote example
bluetoothOff Remote example
mainOn Hello World
mainOff ToDo
Remote setID ToDo
control Remote example
Screen info Screen example
progress Screen example
ready Screen example
limit Screen example
signals Screen example
angles Screen example
position Screen example
ServoSetup start ToDo
LiveMode start ToDo
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Class Data API Class
Pos x Move
y Move
z Move
------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------


Namespace Constant API-Class
DeltaRobot home Move
Colour red Light
green Light
blue Light
yellow Light
magenta Light
cyan Light
white Light
Intensity off Light
min Light
half Light
max Light
Speed slow Move
half Move
fast Move
full Move
Signs arrowLeft Display
arrowRight Display
full Display
------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
Namespace Constant Value
Pins servoA 10
servoB 9
servoC 6
mainPower 13
bluetoothPower 4
externalMotor 11
gripper 14
ledR 7
ledG 12
ledB 8
ledI 5
buttonTop 15
buttonCenter 17
buttonEncoder 16
encoderA 3
encoderB 2
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