
Clean and minimalistic dotfiles most can agree on.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Program Description Configured Todo
Alacritty GPU-accelerated terminal emulator no Add transparent support and switch to hack font.
Urxvt Lightway, snappy terminal emulator
Zim ZSH ZSH framwork yes
I3 Window manager yes Cleanup config
rofi application manager yes


I switched from urxvt to alacritty because it is a GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. Additionally, it is as simple as urxvt but it looks like, that alacritty does not support a transparent background.



The shell is the most important configuration, because it is used so frequently. I use the the zim zsh framework with minor tweaks. The zim framwork support some need features such as

  • autocomplete
  • alias(es)
  • git indicator

I don't use the default theme, instead I use the spaceship theme. You can use this, using following line in $HOME/.zimrc.

zmodule denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt --name spaceship

After run zimfw install to compile the new module. The zim framework is (yet) the fastest. The shell feel s very snapy and the multi-level autocomplete is required for a smooth work flow.

Shell command line tools

There are many cli tools I use. I provide a small overview

Tool Description
fzf command-line fuzzy finder
ripgrep ipgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
ripgrep-all ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, ...
git revision control system
autojump a faster way to navigate your filesystem
ad faster file and folder creator
parallel Build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel
z easier file navigator
tmux terminal multiplexer
add-gitignore https://github.com/TejasQ/add-gitignore
bat cat with wings and syntax highlighting
youtube-dl youtube downloader
[ [jq] sed for json

and many more.

You can install fzf using the following commands (git is required).

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf

Window manager

Long time ago I used gnome. Sure gnome has many advantages over i3 but I still go with i3, because it is less power hungry, fast and not overloaded.


As might indicated, I use different i3 configurations. I use a light edition on my thinkpad to save battery, because my main pc uses i3 with kde. Most of the configuration is the same. It support various of mouse gestures. You can resize a window with right click and windows key. Or move a window using left click with window.

I3 Thinkpad

I use the bumblebee-status bar. This is a very modular i3 statusbar and it features a various of modules. For me, it is enought to use the following configuration

bumblebee-status -m nic cpu \
memory battery date \
-p nic.states=^down time.format="%H:%M CW %V" date.format="%a, %b %d %Y" -t night-powerline

General keybindings

Keybinding Command Description
win + Return exec alacritty Get a terminal (floating)
win + Shift kill Kill current window
win + space exec rofi -show drun -columns 3 Run application selector

Focus keybindings

Keybinding Command Description
win + j focus left Get focus on the left window
win + h focus up Get focus on the top window
win + k focus down Get focus on the button window
win + , focus right Get focus on the right window
win +left focus left Get focus on the left window
win +up focus up Get focus on the top window
win +down focus down Get focus on the button window
win +right focus right Get focus on the right window

and more.

I like a mimimalistic theme such as the night-powerline. Make sure you have the font-awesome fonts installed. Otherwise, the used symbols could not be displayed.

Change symbols

If you want to change the symbols, you can do this at line 85 and the following.

  1. Go to font awesome and search for you icons
  2. Click on the icon and copy the unicode at the top
  3. Now, convert the unicode into the symbol using
echo -e "\u[your unicode]"

The \u is not a misstype. It indicate the unicode sequence.

Application manager


I switch and run applications using rofi. I previously used albert but since albert has annoying bugs. I decided to switch to rofi. Rofi search $HOME/.config/rofi for config.rasi. The new config of rofi is pretty light but snappy and fast.

* {
  black:      #000000;
  red:        #eb6e67;
  green:      #95ee8f;
  yellow:     #f8c456;
  blue:       #6eaafb;
  mangenta:   #d886f3;
  cyan:       #6cdcf7;
  emphasis:   #50536b;
  text:       #dfdfdf;
  text-alt:   #b2b2b2;
  fg:         #abb2bf;
  bg:         #282c34;

  spacing: 0;
  background-color: transparent;

  font: "Knack Nerd Font 14";
  text-color: @text;

window {
  transparency: "real";
  fullscreen: true;
  background-color: #282c34dd;

mainbox {
  padding: 30% 30%;

inputbar {
  margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
  children: [prompt, textbox-prompt-colon, entry, case-indicator];

prompt {
  text-color: @blue;

textbox-prompt-colon {
  expand: false;
  str: ":";
  text-color: @text-alt;

entry {
  margin: 0px 10px;

listview {
  spacing: 5px;
  dynamic: true;
  scrollbar: false;

element {
  padding: 5px;
  text-color: @text-alt;
  highlight: bold #95ee8f; /* green */
  border-radius: 3px;

element selected {
  background-color: @emphasis;
  text-color: @text;

element urgent, element selected urgent {
  text-color: @red;

element active, element selected active {
  text-color: @purple;

message {
  padding: 5px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  background-color: @emphasis;
  border: 1px;
  border-color: @cyan;

button selected {
  padding: 5px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  background-color: @emphasis;

I use the oneDark theme submited by the user.


I use various of gestures, since my touchpad support multi-touch. Use following gestures. Pretty much, they are mac like gestures e.g. you can change the workspace if you wipe with 3 fingers left or right. However, this only works if a minimum of 3 fingers are used.

Gesture Command
gesture swipe down rofi -show drun -columns 3
gesture swipe left i3-msg "workspace prev"
gesture swipe right i3-msg "workspace next"
gesture pinch in xdotool key super+f
gesture pinch out xdotool key super+f

and here is the config:

gesture swipe down rofi -show drun -columns 3
gesture swipe left i3-msg "workspace prev"
gesture swipe right 3-msg "workspace next"
gesture pinch in	xdotool key super+f
gesture pinch out xdotool key super+f


I now use the tmux-themepack. Since I use red as secound color, I use the red powerline theme. Please make sure, that the powerline fonts are installed.

pacman -S powerline-fonts

After, run prepare_tmux.sh to clone all themes. You can now start tmux.