A (new) Kismet WiFi data source shootout implementation in Python3, using the KismetRest library.
The program displays PPS, total packets received, and the relative percentage of packets received for each datasource that has been specified. Output is updated once per second until the program is killed with CTRL+C.
Data Source PPS Packets RX %
alfa3 433 2133 98.61%
alfa4 416 2163 100.00%
tplink1 288 1383 63.94%
alfa1 66 373 17.24%
alfa2 57 237 10.96%
Elapsed time: 0 Hours 0 Minutes 5 Seconds
A person interested in using 802.11 interfaces in monitor mode may also be interested in comparing the frame-receiving performance of various 802.11 adaptors. This program is intended to facilitate this kind of testing, as described here: https://wirelessctf.blogspot.com/2018/05/new-wifi-card-testing-kismetshootout.html
This program is a rewrite of kismet_shootout.rb in Python3. The original Ruby implementation (available here: https://github.com/kismetwireless/kismet/blob/Kismet-Stable/ruby/kismet_shootout.rb) only works with "old" kismet. This python rewrite works with the "new" kismet.
usage: shootout [-h] -c CHANNEL [-u USER] [-p] SRC [SRC ...]
Kismet datasource shootout
positional arguments:
SRC data sources to use in the shootout (e.g. wlan0)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CHANNEL the channel to monitor
-u USER a user name to log into Kismet with
-p tells this program to prompt for a password
I run it like this: ./shootout -u kismet -p -c 8 alfa3 alfa4