
Anti-YogaDelt Discord Bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord bot

A bot that:

  • Lets you create & join groups.
  • Talks back to YogaDelt cultists to convert them to pure innocent AYD citizens.

Note 📜

This bot uses NeDB as the data store, which is basically a NoSQL equivalent of SQLite.

This bot uses the unofficial nedb-async package instead of the official nedb package for async/await support, which makes the codebase cleaner & easier to understand.

Getting started

Setup a discord application/bot by following Step 1 here.

Copy .env.template and name it .env, replace the relevant data in there with your application credentials.

Invite your bot to a server with this link, replace ${DISCORD_CLIENT_ID} with the client ID (AKA Application ID), which can be obtained when you created your discord application.


Developer Tip 💡

The url has permissions=2048, which means it asks for the below permissions for the bot:

  • Send Messages

Run the following commands in this project:

npm install
npm start

Use the bot by typing in /, and then clicking on the bot to see what commands are available.
