
My take on JDK switchers for macOS

Primary LanguageShell

A JDK switcher for macOS


Can be used in both Bash and ZSH. Just add it to your .bashrc/.zshrc and you're all set.

Using it with a ZSH framework/plugin manager

Load macos-jdk as a plugin in your .zshrc

zplug "deluan/macos-jdk"

Include the load command in your .zshrc

zgen load deluan/macos-jdk
zgen save

Bundle macos-zsh in your .zshrc

antigen bundle deluan/macos-jdk
antigen apply

As an Oh My ZSH! custom plugin

Clone macos-jdk into your custom plugins repo

git clone https://github.com/deluan/macos-jdk $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/macos-jdk

Then load as a plugin in your .zshrc



Show all installed versions

$ jdk

Select a specific version (only valid for current session)

$ jdk 8

To set the default jdk to be used in your system, create a ~/.jdkversion file with the version number in it