
Kaggle Amazon

Primary LanguagePython


Kaggle Amazon


Image: 4 channels (red, green, blue, and near infrared)

Labels: There are 17 possible tags: agriculture, artisinal_mine, bare_ground, blooming, blow_down, clear, cloudy, conventional_mine, cultivation, habitation, haze, partly_cloudy, primary, road, selective_logging, slash_burn, water


  • Something wrong in the test file naming:

Solution: https://www.kaggle.com/robinkraft/fix-for-test-jpg-vs-tif-filenames

  • Use Better Metric to see the performance

Suggested Solution: Use F2 Score directly as the metric.



  • used p8 (8 GPU) to run Keras model on ResNet50, but the runnung time didn't improve.

Jupyter notebook in AWS: https://blog.keras.io/running-jupyter-notebooks-on-gpu-on-aws-a-starter-guide.html



Image of InceptionV3

Image of Resnet - Basic and Bottleneck

Meeting Summary:



  • Freeze all layers but the last one fully connected layers
  • Freeze some layers
  • [the best] no-freezing and train with pre-train model



  1. KL Divergence
  2. Reading: Distilling the knowledge in a neural network (by Hinton, Jeff Dean)
  3. Explore using GPU instance
  4. TIFF format and details (open the file and play around)

Individual work


  • Summary of Hinton's paper

Roy present:

  • Task: Label image class, can have multiple label per image
  • photos: 40000 train, 60000 test
  • 256x256 jpg, 10k per image
  • TIFF is 20x larger in size and TIFF has 4 channels R, G, B, NearIR

Problem: From 3 channel model to 4 channel

Roy's experience on Invasive Competition

  • Run on InceptionV3, ResNet50, VGG.

combine 3 models output q1, q2, q3:

find output p then minimize sum of KL divergence: KL(p, q1) + KL(p, q2) + KL(p, q3) Result becomes better

Paper sharing

Distilling the knowledge in a neural network (by Hinton, Jeff Dean)

Ideas from paper

  • Train general CNN model

  • Make a covariance matrix of prediction categories

  • Make confusion matrix

  • inctrased concentration of relevant class in train samples, irrlevent class merged to dustbin class

  • minimize sum of KL divergence (from generel model + expert model)

To Do

  • biased training set