
Linux Utilities

Primary LanguageJava

Linux Utilities

##Abstract This Android app, as the name suggests, will let its users to utilize already existing Linux features. It is going to let the users to control their Linux-boxes remotely, no matter whether it is a simple DIY device, or a huge cluster of servers. That way, close to their machines or not, people will be able to control them.

##Features Main features that this app is going to provide to its users are those that are done on a daily basis, especially for for system administrators. You will be able to shutdown or restart you host, put it on sleep, check the memory, CPU, explore the filesystem and change your settings. Basically, anything you can imagine that you may need to do when you are far from your setup, you should be able to do with this app (limited by the features that will be developed during 4 months, as this app is the part of University project). Also, the app will have a possibility of storing the configuration files (IP, username, ssh keys, etc.) for more than one host. In addition to already mentioned, users will be able to send the custom commands, instead of pre-defined ones, as well as to define their shortcuts for it.

Note: It will not be possible to see the graphical user interface of your host. This app is mainly going to be SSH-based. Thus, it will be possible to do things that you can do with ssh and not beyond it.

##Price Free.

##Why to use this app instead of many others? Indeed, there are many apps like this one on the market already. However, this one is going to be an open source one. Thus it cannot be compared to other closed-source apps on the market, at least when it comes to philosophy. Of course, there are similar open-source projects out there as well, but any open-source project has its value, and that stands for this one as well. Additionaly, it will be there for future improvements and it has the capacity to become the leading app on the market.

##Contribute The app is currently under development. If you are interested in the project or you would like to help, contact the repository owner.