Rapid Chat

A chat application for the modern world. Rapid Chat does not limit by users, messages sent, or the size of databases. Rapid Chat is only limited by the hardware supplied.

For demo of application visit http://rapidchat.today

For more information visit http://rapidchat.today/LandingPage/Landing.html

last edited April 7 2017


  • Raspberry Pi/Linux Clone Rapid Chat on Git
 $ git clone https://github.com/demarcot/RapidChat.git

On any Linux machine that is not a Rapid Chat box, perform the following command to install MongoDB

 $ sudo apt-get mongodb-server

To start the mongo service

 $ sudo service mongod start

Update our Debian apt package repository to include the NodeSource packages

  • Note: The below script is run with root permissions review the code at https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x to see the technical details behind this
  • Note: Rapid Chat testing has been preformed on Node 4.x primarily and runs on Node 6.x, we cannot guarantee same quality of service if running on a higher version than Node 6.x
 $ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -

Install Node

 $ sudo apt install nodejs

Install bower

 $ sudo npm install bower -g

Install node forever

 $ sudo npm install forever -g

Navigate to .forever folder within main directory

├── .forever/
│   └── development.json
└── server.js

//customize this as you wish but leave the script attribute the same

    // Comments are supported
    "uid": "app",
    "append": true,
    "watch": true,
    "script": "server.js",
    "sourceDir": "/home/myuser/RapidChat"

Navigate to your main Rapid Chat directory



 $ sudo npm install

Navigate to assets folder



 $ bower install

Install angular scroll glue

 $ bower install angular-scroll-glue
  • Windows

Navigate to https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.4.5/node-v4.4.5-x64.msi to install node.js on a Windows machine

Navigate to https://www.mongodb.com/dr/fastdl.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.4.3-signed.msi/download to install Mongo on a Windows machine

Now clone Rapid Chat

 > git clone https://github.com/demarcot/RapidChat.git

To start the mongo service

 > mongod

Install bower

 > npm install bower -g

Install node forever

 > npm install forever -g

Navigate to .forever folder within main directory

├── .forever/
│   └── development.json
└── server.js

//customize this as you wish but leave the script attribute the same

    // Comments are supported
    "uid": "app",
    "append": true,
    "watch": true,
    "script": "server.js",
    "sourceDir": "/home/myuser/RapidChat"

Navigate to your main Rapid Chat directory



 > npm install

Navigate to assets folder



 > bower install

Install angular scroll glue

 > bower install angular-scroll-glue

Operating Instructions

For Windows and linux to start the server inside your Rapid Chat directory Execute the following. While hosting the application at its default port(3000) this can be executed.

  • Note: on linux systems if you are hosting out of a port less than 200 you need to preface the following command with sudo
forever start .forever/develop.json

To watch your server type

forever list

To stop server

forever stop all

Buying a Rapid Chat Box

contact Mike at mwithington1995@gmail.com to inquire about ordering a Rapid Chat Box



  • Kyle Cabral
  • Thomas DeMarco
  • Albert Saunders (Original Version)
  • Michael Withington

Contact (Submit Bugs)

contact Mike at mwithington1995@gmail.com