
Red Team Tool Kit

Primary LanguageShell

alt text

This tool kit is very much influenced by infosecn1nja's kit. Use this script to grab majority of the repos.

NOTE: hard coded in /opt and made for Kali Linux

Total Size (so far): 2.5+Gb

Install Guide:

git clone https://github.com/shr3ddersec/Shr3dKit.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
bash shr3dkit.sh

Change Log

Fixed: macro_pack, LaZagne
Code: Added all requirements to script, seperated pip requirements and merged to one file.

Tools Added: Modlishka, pwndb, cat-sites, Phantom-Evasion

Phantom Evasion Forewarning

Currently pursuing a permanent an IT Sec role, for personal budgeting I added this tool as does a fantastic job for AV Evasion without opening up your wallet. Keep in mind, this does have crypto miner (xmr-stak) installer option. I kept the complete install out of script purposely for this reason. To disable, please change Miner=False in Setup/Config.txt then run the script. You may always keep it on to help the devs, such as myself in my home lab.



Active Intelligence Gathering

Passive Intelligence Gathering





Watering Hole Attack

Command and Control

Remote Access Tools


Lateral Movement

Establish Foothold

Escalate Privileges

Domain Escalation

Local Escalation

Data Exfiltration


Wireless Networks

Embedded & Peripheral Devices Hacking

Software For Team Communication

  • RocketChat is free, unlimited and open source. Replace email & Slack with the ultimate team chat software solution. https://rocket.chat
  • Etherpad is an open source, web-based collaborative real-time editor, allowing authors to simultaneously edit a text document https://etherpad.net

Log Aggregation

C# Offensive Framework





License: GPL v3