
Node.js Boilerplate - Complete backend using Node.js/Express, MongoDB, JWT, SendGrid API, TypeScript, Babel, Telegram, and Jest Tests

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Last Update - 11/13/2021

Table of Contents



Init Typescript

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Initialize TypesScript, on your root folder

  tsc --init

This command will generate the tsconfig.json

      "compilerOptions": {
          "target": "es5",
          "module": "commonjs",
          "allowJs": true,
          "outDir": "./dist",
          "rootDir": "./src",
          "removeComments": true,
          "noEmitOnError": true,
          "resolveJsonModule": true,
          "strict": true,
          "noImplicitAny": true,
          "noUnusedLocals": true,
          "noUnusedParameters": true,
          "noImplicitReturns": false,
          "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
          "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,
          "moduleResolution": "node",
          "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
          "baseUrl": "./src",
          "paths": {
              "~/*": ["./*"],
              "@app": ["./app.ts"],
              "@config/*": ["./config/*"],
              "@controllers/*": ["./controllers/*"],
              "@telegram": ["./controllers/telegram/telegram.ts"],
              "@tHelpers": ["./controllers/telegram/helpers/helpers.ts"],
              "@api": ["./controllers/api/v1/api.ts"],
              "@device": ["./controllers/api/v1/device.ts"],
              "@iot-device": ["./controllers/api/v1/iot-device.ts"],
              "@user": ["./controllers/api/v1/user.ts"],
              "@middlewares/*": ["./middlewares/*"],
              "@auth": ["./middlewares/auth.ts"],
              "@models/*": ["./models/*"],
              "@routes": ["./routes/routes.ts"],
              "@temp": ["./tmp/temp.ts"],
              "@utils/*": ["./utils/*"],
              "@cTypes": ["./utils/@types/types.ts"],
              "@helpers/*": ["./utils/helpers/*"],
              "@cFunctions": ["./utils/helpers/functions.ts"],
              "@validators": ["./utils/helpers/validators.ts"]
          "typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types", "./src/utils/@types/*"],
          "esModuleInterop": true,
          "skipLibCheck": true,
          "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
          "types": ["node", "jest"]
      "include": ["./src/**/*"],
      "exclude": ["**/node_modules"]


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After we install everything, we just need to config the scripts and jest

  "scripts": {
      "start": "node dist/index.js",
      "dev": "env-cmd -f ./env/dev.env ts-node-dev -r tsconfig-paths/register --respawn --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules --no-notify src/index.ts",
      "build": "babel src --extensions \".js,.ts\" --out-dir dist --copy-files --no-copy-ignored",
      "test": "env-cmd -f ./env/test.env jest --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --config ./jest.config.js --coverage",

  "jest": {
      "bail": 1,
      "verbose": true,
      "testEnvironment": "node",
      "moduleFileExtensions": [
  • ts-node-dev --respawn --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules --no-notify src/index.ts responsible for fast reloading the server using TypeScript, --no-notify (for linux users)
  • -r tsconfig-paths/register register (-r) custom typescript before executing the rest.

Complete json file

      "name": "node.js_boilerplate",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "Node.js Boilerplate",
      "main": "index.js",
      "scripts": {
          "start": "node dist/index.js",
          "dev": "env-cmd -f ./env/dev.env ts-node-dev -r tsconfig-paths/register --respawn --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules --no-notify src/index.ts",
          "prod": "env-cmd -f ./env/prod.env ts-node-dev -r tsconfig-paths/register --respawn --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules --no-notify src/index.ts",
          "test": "env-cmd -f ./env/test.env jest --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --config ./jest.config.js --coverage",
          "build": "babel src --extensions \".js,.ts\" --out-dir dist --copy-files --no-copy-ignored"
      "jest": {
          "bail": 1,
          "verbose": true,
          "testEnvironment": "node",
          "moduleFileExtensions": [
      "repository": {
          "type": "git",
          "url": "git+https://github.com/Roger-Takeshita/Node.js_Boilerplate.git"
      "author": "Roger Takeshita",
      "license": "ISC",
      "bugs": {
          "url": "https://github.com/Roger-Takeshita/Node.js_Boilerplate/issues"
      "homepage": "https://github.com/Roger-Takeshita/Node.js_Boilerplate#readme",
      "dependencies": {
          "@sendgrid/mail": "^7.4.4",
          "bcrypt": "^5.0.1",
          "cors": "^2.8.5",
          "crypto-js": "^4.0.0",
          "env-cmd": "^10.1.0",
          "express": "^4.17.1",
          "helmet": "^4.6.0",
          "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
          "mongoose": "^5.12.13",
          "morgan": "^1.10.0",
          "node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
          "telegraf": "^4.4.0"
      "devDependencies": {
          "@babel/cli": "^7.12.1",
          "@babel/core": "^7.14.5",
          "@babel/node": "^7.14.5",
          "@babel/preset-env": "^7.14.5",
          "@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.14.5",
          "@types/bcrypt": "^5.0.0",
          "@types/cors": "^2.8.10",
          "@types/crypto-js": "^4.0.1",
          "@types/express": "^4.17.12",
          "@types/jest": "^27.0.2",
          "@types/jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
          "@types/morgan": "^1.9.2",
          "@types/node": "^15.12.2",
          "@types/node-fetch": "^2.5.12",
          "@types/supertest": "^2.0.11",
          "babel-plugin-module-resolver": "^4.1.0",
          "jest": "^27.3.1",
          "supertest": "^6.1.6",
          "ts-jest": "^27.0.3",
          "ts-node-dev": "^1.1.6",
          "tsconfig-paths": "^3.9.0",
          "typescript": "^4.3.2"

Environment Variables

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In env/dev.env


Database Connection


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In src/config/database.ts

  import mongoose from 'mongoose';
  const db = mongoose.connection;

  mongoose.connect(process.env.URL_DATABASE!, {
      useNewUrlParser: true,
      useCreateIndex: true,
      useUnifiedTopology: true,
      useFindAndModify: false,

  db.once('connected', () => {
      console.log(`Connected to MongoDB ${db.name} at ${db.host}:${db.port}`);

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To fix all deprecation warnings, follow the below steps:

  • mongoose.set('useNewUrlParser', true);
  • mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
  • mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
  • mongoose.set('useUnifiedTopology', true);
  • Replace update() with updateOne(), updateMany(), or replaceOne()
  • Replace remove() with deleteOne() or deleteMany().
  • Replace count() with countDocuments(), unless you want to count how many documents are in the whole collection (no filter). In the latter case, use estimatedDocumentCount().

Mongoose connection options:

  • useNewUrlParser, by default mongoose.connect() will print out the bellow warning

    DeprecationWarning: current URL string parser is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. To use the new parser, pass option { useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.

  • useCreateIndex, by default, Mongoose 5.x calls the MongoDB driver's ensureIndex() function. The MongoDB driver deprecated this function in favor of createIndex(). Set the useCreateIndex global option to opt in to making Mongoose use createIndex() instead.
  • useUnifiedTopology, by default, mongoose.connect() will print out the below warning:

    DeprecationWarning: current Server Discovery and Monitoring engine is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. To use the new Server Discover and Monitoring engine, pass option { useUnifiedTopology: true } to the MongoClient constructor.

    • Mongoose 5.7 uses MongoDB driver 3.3.x, which introduced a significant refactor of how it handles monitoring all the servers in a replica set or sharded cluster. In MongoDB parlance, this is known as server discovery and monitoring.
    • The useUnifiedTopology option removes support for several connection options that are no longer relevant with the new topology engine:
      • autoReconnect
      • reconnectTries
      • reconnectInterval
    • When you enable useUnifiedTopology, please remove those options from your mongoose.connect() or createConnection() calls.
  • useFindAndModify, if you use Model.findOneAndUpdate(), by default you'll see one of the below deprecation warnings.

    DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate() and findOneAndDelete() without the useFindAndModify option set to false are deprecated. See: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/deprecations.html#findandmodify DeprecationWarning: collection.findAndModify is deprecated. Use findOneAndUpdate, findOneAndReplace or findOneAndDelete instead.

    • findByIdAndUpdate method bypass mongoose. It performs a direct operation on the database, this means that if we have a middleware, it won't be executed.


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In src/config/telegram.ts

  import { Telegraf } from 'telegraf';

  const TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: string = process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN!;
  const TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK: string = process.env.TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK!;

  if (TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN === undefined) throw new Error('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN must be defined');

  const bot = new Telegraf(TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN);
  const secretPath: string = `/telegram/${bot.secretPathComponent()}`;
  const webhook: string = `${TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK}${secretPath}`;

  if (process.env.ENV! !== 'test') {
      console.log(`Telegram running on ${webhook}`);

  export { bot, secretPath };




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In src/controllers/api/v1/api.ts

  import * as CF from '@cFunctions';
  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import Api from '@models/api';
  import * as validate from '@validators';
  import { RequestHandler } from 'express';

  const permittedFields: string[] = ['name', 'key', 'value', 'url', 'description', 'active'];

  export const newApi: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.ApiForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.apiForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const api: Type.ApiI = await Api.findOne({
              name: form.name,
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (api) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'API already exists.' });

          delete form._id;
          const newApi = new Api(form);
          newApi.userId = req.user!._id;

          res.status(201).json(await newApi.save());
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while trying to create a new api.' });

  export const getApis: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const page: number = +req.query.page! || 1;
      const docs: number = +req.query.docs! || 30;
      const apisArray: Type.ApiForm[] = [];

      try {
          const apis: Type.ApiI[] = await Api.find({ userId: req.user!._id })
              .skip((page - 1) * docs)

          apis.forEach((api) => {
              api!.getKey!((key, value) => {
                      _id: api!._id,
                      name: api!.name,
                      active: api!.active,
                      url: api!.url,
                      key: key!.toString(),
                      value: value!.toString(),
                      description: api!.description,

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while getting your apis.' });

  export const getApi: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const apiId: string = req.params.id!;

      try {
          const api: Type.ApiI = await Api.findOne({
              _id: apiId,
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (!api) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'API not found.' });

          api.getKey!((key, value) => {
                  _id: api._id,
                  name: api.name,
                  active: api.active,
                  url: api.url,
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while getting your api.' });

  export const updateApi: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const apiId: string = req.params.id!;
      const form: Type.ApiForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.apiForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const apiExists: Type.ApiI = await Api.findOne({
              name: req.body.name!.trim(),
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (apiExists && apiExists._id.toString() !== apiId)
              return res.status(400).json({ message: 'API name already in use, please use a different name.' });

          const api = await Api.findById(apiId);
          if (!api) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'API not found.' });
          CF.updateDocument(api, req.body, permittedFields);
          await api.save();

          res.json({ message: 'API has been updated successfully.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while updating your api.' });

  export const deleteApi: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const apiId: string = req.params.id!;

      try {
          const deletedApi: Type.ApiI = await Api.findOneAndDelete({
              _id: apiId,
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (deletedApi) return res.json({ message: 'API has been deleted successfully.' });

          res.status(404).json({ message: 'API Id not found. Please make sure you have entered the correct id.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while deleting your api.' });


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In src/controllers/api/v1/device.ts

  import * as auth from '@auth';
  import * as CF from '@cFunctions';
  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import Device from '@models/device';
  import * as validate from '@validators';
  import { RequestHandler } from 'express';

  const JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY: string = process.env.JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY!;
  const permittedFields: string[] = ['name', 'expiresIn', 'description', 'active'];

  export const newDevice: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.DeviceForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.deviceForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const device: Type.DeviceI = await Device.findOne({
              name: form.name,
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (device) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Device already exists.' });

          delete form._id;
          const newDevice = new Device(form);
          const days: number = +form.expiresIn! || 0;
          newDevice.token = auth.createCustomToken(
              { _id: newDevice._id, userId: req.user!._id },
          newDevice.userId = req.user!._id;

          res.status(201).json(await newDevice.save());
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while creating a new device.' });

  export const getDevices: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const page: number = +req.body.page! || 1;
      const docs: number = +req.body.docs! || 30;

      try {
          const devices: Type.DeviceI[] = await Device.find({ userId: req.user!._id })
              .skip((page - 1) * docs)

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while getting your devices.' });

  export const getDevice: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const deviceId: string = req.params.id!;

      try {
          const device: Type.DeviceI = await Device.findOne({ _id: deviceId, userId: req.user!._id });
          if (!device) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Device not found.' });

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while getting your device.' });

  export const updateDevice: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const iotId: string = req.params.id!;
      const form: Type.DeviceForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.deviceForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const deviceExists: Type.DeviceI = await Device.findOne({
              name: req.body.name!.trim(),
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (deviceExists && deviceExists._id.toString() !== iotId)
              return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Device name already in use, please use a different name.' });

          const device = await Device.findById(iotId);
          if (!device) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Device not found.' });
          if (form.hasOwnProperty('expiresIn') && +form.expiresIn! !== +device.expiresIn)
              device.token = auth.createCustomToken(
                  { _id: device._id, userId: req.user!._id },
          CF.updateDocument(device, req.body, permittedFields);
          await device.save();

          res.json({ message: 'Device has been updated successfully.', data: device });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while updating your device.' });

  export const deleteDevice: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const iotId: string = req.params.id!;

      try {
          const deletedIoT: Type.DeviceI = await Device.findOneAndDelete({
              _id: iotId,
              userId: req.user!._id,
          if (deletedIoT) return res.json({ message: 'Device has been deleted successfully.' });

          res.status(404).json({ message: 'Device Id not found. Please make sure you have entered the correct id.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while deleting your device.' });


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In src/controllers/api/v1/iot-device.ts

  import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import Device from '@models/device';
  import User from '@models/user';
  import { RequestHandler } from 'express';

  export const notify: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      try {
          const { data, notify }: Type.IoTDeviceData = req.body;

          if (notify) {
              const device: Type.DeviceI = await Device.findOne({
                  _id: req.device!._id,
                  userId: req.device!.userId,
              if (!device) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Device not found.' });

              const user: Type.UserI = await User.findById(req.device!.userId);
              if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'User not found.' });

              if (user!.telegramId.length === 0)
                  return res.status(400).json({ message: 'No telegram Id associated to your account.' });
              if (!user!.isTelegramVerified) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Telegram not verified.' });

              const msg: string = `<b>Device:</b> ${device.name.toUpperCase()}\
                                   \n   <u>Msg:</u> ${data.message}`;
              const { message_id: msgId }: any = await bot.telegram.sendMessage(user!.telegramId, msg, {
                  parse_mode: 'HTML',
              await bot.telegram.deleteMessage(user!.telegramId, msgId);

          res.json('Server received your message!');
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while executing your request.' });


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In src/controllers/api/v1/user.ts

  import * as auth from '@auth';
  import * as CF from '@cFunctions';
  import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import Api from '@models/api';
  import User from '@models/user';
  import sgMail from '@sendgrid/mail';
  import * as validate from '@validators';
  import { RequestHandler } from 'express';
  import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';


  const LOGIN_WAIT_TIME: number = +process.env.LOGIN_WAIT_TIME!;
  const LOGIN_MAX_TRY: number = +process.env.LOGIN_MAX_TRY!;
  const ENV: string = process.env.ENV!;
  const TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG: number = +process.env.TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG!;

  export const addTry: Type.AddTryFn = async (user, res) => {
      try {
          const loginCount: number = +user!.loginCount! + 1;
          const waitTime: number = LOGIN_WAIT_TIME * +user!.waitCount! * +user!.waitCount!;

          user!.loginCount = loginCount;
          if (loginCount > LOGIN_MAX_TRY) user!.waitCount = +user!.waitCount! + 1;
          await user!.save();

          if (LOGIN_MAX_TRY - user!.loginCount! >= 0) {
              return res
                  .json({ message: `Wrong credentials, you have ${LOGIN_MAX_TRY - loginCount + 1} more tries.` });

          if (LOGIN_MAX_TRY - user!.loginCount! === -1)
              return res.status(400).json({
                  message: `Too many unsuccessful tries. Next try you will be blocked for ${LOGIN_WAIT_TIME} mins.`,

          res.status(400).json({ message: `You have been blocked for ${waitTime} mins.` });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while trying to login.' });

  export const checkTimeElapsed: Type.CheckTimeElapsedFn = async (user, res) => {
      let loginCount: number = +user!.loginCount!;

      switch (true) {
          case loginCount <= LOGIN_MAX_TRY:
              return true;
          case loginCount > LOGIN_MAX_TRY:
              const date: number = new Date().getTime();
              const updateDate: number = new Date(user!.updatedAt!).getTime();

              if ((date - updateDate) / 1000 / 60 >= LOGIN_WAIT_TIME * +user!.waitCount! * +user!.waitCount!) {
                  user!.loginCount = 0;
                  user!.waitCount = 0;
                  await user!.save();
                  return true;

              addTry(user, res);

              return false;
              return false;

  export const signUpUser: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserSignUpForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userSignUpForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
          if (user) return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Email already in use.' });

          const response: Type.SignUpUserRes = {
              message: 'Your account has been created. Please check your email to verify your account.',

          delete form.confirmPassword;
          form.verifyToken = auth.createCustomToken(
          const newUser: Type.UserI = new User(form);
          await newUser.save();

          if (ENV === 'production') {
              try {
                  const email = CF.userSignUp(user, req.headers.host!);
                  await sgMail.send(email);
              } catch (error: any) {
                  return res.status(500).json({ message: `${error.message} - ${error.response.body.errors[0].message}` });
          } else {
              response.verifyToken = form.verifyToken;

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while trying to sign up.' });

  export const loginUser: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserLoginForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userLoginForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Wrong credentials.' });
          if (user.status === 'suspended') return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Your account is suspended.' });

          if (await checkTimeElapsed(user, res)) {
              user.comparePassword(form.password, async (_: any, matchPassword: boolean) => {
                  const response: Type.LoginUserRes = {
                      token: '',
                      message: 'Please verify your email first.',
                  if (matchPassword) {
                      if (user.status === 'activated') {
                          if (user.loginCount !== 0 || user.waitCount !== 0) {
                              user.loginCount = 0;
                              user.waitCount = 0;
                              await user.save();
                          const token = auth.createAccessToken(user);
                          return res.json({ token });

                      if (ENV !== 'production') response.verifyToken = user.verifyToken;

                      return res.status(403).json(response);
                  } else {
                      addTry(user, res);
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while trying to login.' });

  export const getUser: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findById(req.user!._id).select('-tempEmail');
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Wrong credentials.' });

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while trying to get profile.' });

  export const updateUser: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserProfileForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userProfileForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findById(req.user!._id);
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Wrong credentials.' });

          if (user.email !== form.email) {
              const email: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
              if (email) return res.status(400).json({ message: `Email (${form.email}) is already in use.` });

          user.comparePassword(form.password, async (_: any, matchPassword: boolean) => {
              if (matchPassword) {
                  const response: Type.SignUpUserRes = {
                      message: 'Your profile has been updated.',

                  if (form.firstName) user.firstName = form.firstName;
                  if (form.lastName) user.lastName = form.lastName;
                  if (form.newPassword) user.password = form.newPassword;
                  if (
                      (!validate.isEmpty(form.telegramId) && user.telegramId === '') ||
                      (!validate.isEmpty(form.telegramId) && form.telegramId.trim() !== user.telegramId)
                  ) {
                      if (form.telegramId.trim() !== user.telegramId) {
                          const userExists: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ telegramId: form.telegramId });
                          if (userExists && userExists.isTelegramVerified)
                              return res.status(400).json({ message: `Telegram ${form.telegramId} is already in use.` });

                      user.telegramId = form.telegramId;
                      user.isTelegramVerified = false;

                      if (ENV !== 'test') {
                          const chatId: string = form.telegramId;
                          const msg: string = `Hey <b>${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}</b>!\
                                               \nPlease send /verify to activate your telegram.`;
                          const { message_id: msgId }: Type.MessageId = await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chatId, msg, {
                              parse_mode: 'HTML',

                              async () => {
                                  try {
                                      await bot.telegram.deleteMessage(chatId, +msgId);
                                  } catch (error: any) {
                              TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG * 1000,
                  if (user.email !== form.email) {
                      response.message += ` An email has been sent to ${form.email}. Please verify your new email to update your email address.`;
                      user.tempEmail = form.email;
                      user.verifyToken = auth.createCustomToken(
                      await user.save();

                      try {
                          if (ENV === 'production') {
                              try {
                                  const email = CF.updateUserEmail(user, req.headers.host!);
                                  await sgMail.send(email);
                              } catch (error: any) {
                                  return res
                                      .json({ message: `${error.message} - ${error.response.body.errors[0].message}` });
                          } else {
                              response.verifyToken = user.verifyToken;
                      } catch (error: any) {
                              message: 'Something went wrong while sending you the email verification.',
                  } else {
                      await user.save();

                  return res.json(response);

              res.status(403).json({ message: 'Wrong credentials.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while updating.' });

  export const deleteUser: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserDeleteForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userPasswordForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findById(req.user!._id);
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Wrong credentials.' });

          user.comparePassword(form.password, async (_: any, matchPassword: boolean) => {
              if (matchPassword) {
                  await user.remove();
                  await Api.deleteMany({ userId: req.user!._id });
                  return res.json({ message: 'Your account has been deleted.' });

              res.status(403).json({ message: 'Wrong password.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong while deleting your user.' });

  export const verifyEmail: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const token: string = req.params.verifyToken!;

      try {
          jwt.verify(token, JWT_VERIFICATION_SECRET_KEY);
      } catch (error: any) {
          return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Expired email token.' });

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ verifyToken: token });
          if (!user)
              return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Invalid email token, please reset your email and try again.' });

          user.verifyToken = '';
          user.status = 'activated';

          if (user.tempEmail) {
              user.email = user.tempEmail;
              user.tempEmail = '';
          await user.save();

          res.json({ message: 'Thank you! Your email has been verified.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong verifying your account.' });

  export const resendEmailVerification: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserEmailForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userEmailForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Email not found.' });
          if (user.status === 'activated') return res.json({ message: 'Your account is already verified.' });
          const response: Type.SignUpUserRes = {
              message: 'A verification code was sent to your email.',

          user.verifyToken = auth.createCustomToken(

          await user.save();

          if (ENV === 'production') {
              try {
                  const email = CF.userSignUp(user, req.headers.host!);
                  await sgMail.send(email);
              } catch (error: any) {
                  return res.status(500).json({ message: `${error.message} - ${error.response.body.errors[0].message}` });
          } else {
              response.verifyToken = user.verifyToken;

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong with the email verification.' });

  export const resetPassword: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const form: Type.UserEmailForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userEmailForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
          if (!user) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Email not found.' });
          const response: Type.SignUpUserRes = {
              message: 'Please check your email to reset your password.',

          user.verifyToken = auth.createCustomToken(
          await user.save();

          if (ENV === 'production') {
              try {
                  const email = CF.resetUserPassword(user);
                  await sgMail.send(email);
              } catch (error: any) {
                  return res.status(500).json({ message: `${error.message} - ${error.response.body.errors[0].message}` });
          } else {
              response.verifyToken = user.verifyToken;

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong with the email verification.' });

  export const updatePassword: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
      const token: string = req.params.verifyToken!;

      try {
          jwt.verify(token, JWT_VERIFICATION_SECRET_KEY);
      } catch (error: any) {
          return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Expired password token.' });

      const form: Type.UserPasswordForm = req.body;
      const { valid, errors } = validate.userPasswordForm(form);
      if (!valid) return res.status(400).json(errors);

      try {
          const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ verifyToken: token });
          if (!user)
              return res
                  .json({ message: 'Your token has expired, please reset your password and try again.' });
          const response: Type.SignUpUserRes = {
              message: 'Password updated successfully.',

          user.verifyToken = '';
          user.password = form.password;
          await user.save();

          if (ENV === 'production') {
              try {
                  const email = CF.updateUserPassword(user);
                  await sgMail.send(email);
              } catch (error: any) {
                  return res.status(500).json({ message: `${error.message} - ${error.response.body.errors[0].message}` });

      } catch (error: any) {
          res.status(500).json({ message: 'Something went wrong with the email verification.' });


In src/controllers/telegram/telegram.ts

  import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
  import * as TH from '@tHelpers';
  import { Context } from 'telegraf';
  import './actions/base';
  import './commands/base';

  bot.hears(/\/(.+)/i, async (ctx) => {
      const msg: string = `Sorry, command /${ctx.match[1]!} doesn't exist or it's incorrect.\
                           \nSend /help to view the available commands.`;

      try {
          await TH.deleteMsgGetUser(ctx);
          await TH.sendMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, msg);
      } catch (error: any) {
          if (error.type === 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED' || error.type === 'USER_NOT_VERIFIED') throw error;
          throw { type: 'INTERNAL_ERROR', message: 'Something went wrong while executing your command.' };

  bot.action(/(.+)/i, async (ctx) => {

      try {
          const msg: string = 'Sorry something went wrong while executing your request.\nPlease try again.';
          TH.editMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, msg);
      } catch (error: any) {
          throw error;

  bot.catch(async (error: any, ctx: Context) => {
      if (error.type !== 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED') await TH.sendMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, error.message);


Go Back to Contents

  • In src/controllers/telegram/actions/base.ts

      import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
      import * as TH from '@tHelpers';
      bot.action('cancel', async (ctx) => {
          const msg: string = '<b>Request aborted!</b>';
          try {
              TH.editMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, msg, 2);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      bot.action('dismiss', async (ctx) => {
          const msgId: number = ctx.update.callback_query.message!.message_id;
          try {
              TH.deleteMsg(ctx, msgId, 0);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;


Go Back to Contents

  • In src/controllers/telegram/commands/base.ts

      import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import User from '@models/user';
      import * as TH from '@tHelpers';
      import { Markup } from 'telegraf';
      bot.command('start', async (ctx) => {
          try {
              await TH.deleteMsgGetUser(ctx);
              const msg: string = `Bot is already running...\
                                   \nSend /help to view the available commands.`;
              await TH.sendMsg(ctx, msg);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      bot.command('verify', async (ctx) => {
          const telegramId: string = ctx.from.id.toString();
          let msg: string = '';
          try {
              await TH.deleteMsg(ctx, 0, 0);
              const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ telegramId });
              if (!user) {
                  throw { type: 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED', message: 'User not found.' };
              } else if (user && !user.isTelegramVerified) {
                  user.isTelegramVerified = true;
                  await user.save();
                  msg = `Your telegram has been confirmed successfully.\
                         \n   Type /help to view all available commands.`;
              } else {
                  msg = 'Your telegram is already verified!';
              await TH.sendMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, msg);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      bot.command('help', async (ctx) => {
          const chatType: string = ctx.chat.type;
          const keyboardConfig: Type.InLineKeyboardConfig = { columns: 0, rows: 0 };
          let keyboardButtons: string[] = [];
          let msg: string = '';
          if (chatType === 'private') {
              msg = `CHAT COMMANDS\
                     \n/command1 »\
                     \n/command2 »\
                     \n/me (your profile info)\
                     \n/help (list of commands)`;
              keyboardButtons = new Array('/command1', '/command2', '/me', '/help');
              keyboardConfig.columns = 2;
              keyboardConfig.rows = 2;
          } else {
              msg = `GROUP COMMANDS\
                     \n/command1 »\
                     \n/command2 »\
                     \n/me (your profile info)\
                     \n/help (list of commands)`;
              keyboardButtons = new Array('/command1', '/command2', '/me', '/help');
              keyboardConfig.columns = 2;
              keyboardConfig.rows = 2;
          const keyboard: Type.ReplyKeyboard = Markup.keyboard(keyboardButtons, keyboardConfig).oneTime().resize();
          try {
              await TH.deleteMsgGetUser(ctx);
              await TH.sendKeyboard(ctx, msg, keyboard, true, false);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      bot.command('me', async (ctx) => {
          const telegramId: number = ctx.from.id;
          const menu: Type.InLineMenu[] = [];
          try {
              await TH.deleteMsg(ctx, 0, 0);
              menu.push([Markup.button.callback('Dismiss', 'dismiss')]);
              const keyboard: Type.InLineKeyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard(menu);
              const msg: string = `———————————————————————\
                                   \n                              YOUR PROFILE\
                                   \n   <u>First Name:</u>    <b>${ctx.from.first_name}</b>\
                                   \n   <u>Last Name:</u>    <b>${ctx.from.last_name}</b>\
                                   \n   <u>Username:</u>    <a href="tg://username?id=${ctx.from.username}">${ctx.from.username}</a>\
                                   \n   <u>Direct Msg:</u>   <a href="t.me/${ctx.from.username}">t.me/${ctx.from.username}</a>\
                                   \n   <u>Telegram Id:</u>  <a href="tg://user?id=${telegramId}">${telegramId}</a>
              await TH.sendInLineKeyboard(ctx, msg, keyboard);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      bot.command('info', async (ctx) => {
          // @ts-ignore
          const title: string = ctx.message.chat.title || 'N/A';
          const chatId: number = ctx.chat.id;
          const chatType: string = ctx.chat.type;
          const menu: Type.InLineMenu[] = [];
          try {
              const user = await TH.deleteMsgGetUser(ctx);
              if (user!.admin) {
                  menu.push([Markup.button.callback('Dismiss', 'dismiss')]);
                  const keyboard: Type.InLineKeyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard(menu);
                  const msg: string = `———————————————————————\
                                       \n                                CHAT INFO\
                                       \n   <u>Chat Title:</u>    <b>${title.toUpperCase()}</b>\
                                       \n   <u>Chat Id:</u>        <b>${chatId}</b>\
                                       \n   <u>Chat Type:</u>   <b>${chatType.toUpperCase()}</b>
                  await TH.sendInLineKeyboard(ctx, msg, keyboard);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;


  • In src/controllers/telegram/helpers/functions/msg.ts

      import { bot } from '@config/telegram';
      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import * as TH from '@tHelpers';
      const TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG: number = +process.env.TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG!;
      export const deleteMsgGetUser: Type.DeleteMsgGetUserFn = async (ctx) => {
          try {
              await deleteMsg(ctx, 0, 0);
              return await TH.getUser(ctx);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      export const sendMsg: Type.SendMsgFn = async (ctx, msg, disablePreview = true, personal = true) => {
          const chatId: number = personal ? ctx.from!.id : ctx.chat!.id;
          const options: Type.ExtraReplyMessage = {
              parse_mode: 'HTML',
              disable_web_page_preview: true,
          if (!disablePreview) delete options.disable_web_page_preview;
          try {
              const { message_id: msgId }: Type.MessageId = await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chatId, msg, options);
              return msgId;
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while sending a new message.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const sendMsgDeleteMsg: Type.SendMsgDeleteMsgFn = async (ctx, msg, time) => {
          try {
              const newMsgId = await sendMsg(ctx, msg);
              await deleteMsg(ctx, newMsgId, time);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      export const sendInLineKeyboard: Type.SendInLineKeyboardFn = async (
          telegramId = 0,
          disablePreview = true,
          personal = true
      ) => {
          const chatId: number = telegramId ? telegramId : personal ? ctx.from!.id : ctx.chat!.id;
          const options: Type.ExtraReplyMessage = {
              parse_mode: 'HTML',
              disable_web_page_preview: true,
          if (!disablePreview) delete options.disable_web_page_preview;
          try {
              const { message_id: msgId }: Type.MessageId = await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chatId, msg, options);
              return msgId;
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while sending a new message.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const sendKeyboard: Type.SendKeyboardFn = async (ctx, msg, keyboard, disablePreview = true, personal = true) => {
          const chatId: number = personal ? ctx.from!.id : ctx.chat!.id;
          const options: Type.ExtraReplyMessage = { parse_mode: 'HTML', ...keyboard, disable_web_page_preview: true };
          if (!disablePreview) delete options.disable_web_page_preview;
          try {
              const { message_id: msgId }: Type.MessageId = await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chatId, msg, options);
              return msgId;
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while sending a new message.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const editMsg: Type.EditMsgFn = async (ctx, msg, disablePreview = true) => {
          const options: Type.ExtraEditMessageText = {
              parse_mode: 'HTML',
              disable_web_page_preview: true,
          if (!disablePreview) delete options.disable_web_page_preview;
          try {
              await ctx.editMessageText(msg, options);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while editing your message.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const editMsgDeleteMsg: Type.EditMsgDeleteMsgFn = async (ctx, msg, time) => {
          try {
              await editMsg(ctx, msg);
              await deleteMsg(ctx, 0, time);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw error;
      export const editInLineKeyboard: Type.EditInLineKeyboardFn = async (ctx, msg, keyboard, disablePreview = true) => {
          const options: Type.ExtraEditMessageText = {
              parse_mode: 'HTML',
              disable_web_page_preview: true,
          if (!disablePreview) delete options.disable_web_page_preview;
          try {
              await ctx.editMessageText(msg, options);
          } catch (error: any) {
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while editing your message.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const deleteMsg: Type.DeleteMsgFn = async (ctx, msgId, time = TELEGRAM_CLEAR_CHAT_MSG) => {
          // @ts-ignore
          if (!msgId) msgId = ctx.message ? ctx.message.message_id : ctx.update.callback_query.message.message_id;
          if (+time === 0) {
              await ctx.deleteMessage(+msgId!);
          } else {
                  async () => {
                      try {
                          await ctx.deleteMessage(+msgId!);
                      } catch (error: any) {
                          const msg: string = `Something went wrong while deleting your message.\
                                               \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`;
                          await sendMsgDeleteMsg(ctx, msg);
                  time * 1000,
  • In src/controllers/telegram/helpers/functions/user.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import User from '@models/user';
      import temp from '@temp';
      import * as TH from '@tHelpers';
      export const getUser: Type.GetUserFn = async (ctx) => {
          const telegramId: string = ctx!.from!.id.toString();
          let message: string = '';
          try {
              const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ telegramId });
              if (user) {
                  if (!user.isTelegramVerified) {
                      message = `Hello <b>${ctx!.from!.first_name} ${ctx!.from!.last_name}</b>!\
                                 \n   Your account hasn't been verified yet.\
                                 \n   Please send /verify to activate your telegram.`;
                      throw { type: 'USER_NOT_VERIFIED', message };
                  return user;
              } else {
                  message = 'User not found.';
                  throw { type: 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED', message };
          } catch (error: any) {
              if (error.type === 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED' || error.type === 'USER_NOT_VERIFIED') throw error;
              throw {
                  type: 'TELEGRAM_ERROR',
                  message: `Something went wrong while finding your telegram id.\
                            \n   <b>ERROR:</b> ${error.message}`,
      export const getTemp: Type.GetTempFn = async (ctx, tempKey) => {
          if (!temp[tempKey]) {
              await TH.deleteMsg(ctx, 0, 0);
              throw {
                  type: 'SERVER_REBOOTED',
                  message: 'Sorry! Server has been rebooted.\nPlease try again.',
          } else {
              return await new Promise((resolve, _) => {
  • In src/controllers/telegram/helpers/helpers.ts

      export * from './functions/msg';
      export * from './functions/user';



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In src/middlewares/auth.ts

  • auth, responsible for authorizing incoming requests

    • Checks if token exists

    • jwt.verify() checks if token is still valid. jwt.verify() will deco/validate the token using the secret key.

          _id: '5f83d0c881912ae1ac70e2dd',
          firstName: 'Roger',
          lastName: 'Takeshita',
          admin: false,
          iat: 1602475638,
          exp: 1603080438
    • After that we add an user to the request and assign the decoded token

    • then we call the next function

  • createAccessToken

    • jwt.sign(), creates and encode a new jwt token with _id, firstName, and lastName valid for 7 days (in this case)
  • createVerificationToken

    • Responsible for creating custom tokens used to generate email token.
      • We could use crypto (builtin JS library), but with that we couldn't check if the toke is expired.
        • crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex');
  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import { RequestHandler } from 'express';
  import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';

  const JWT_SECRET_KEY: string = process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY!;
  const JWT_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN: number = +process.env.JWT_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN!;
  const JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY: string = process.env.JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY!;

  const auth: RequestHandler = (req, res, next) => {
      let token: string = req.get('Authorization') || req.query.token || req.body.token;

      try {
          if (token) {
              token = token.replace('Bearer ', '');
              req.user = <Type.UserJwtI>jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET_KEY);
          } else {
              res.status(401).json({ message: 'Token not found.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Not authorized, invalid token.' });

  const authDevice: RequestHandler = (req, res, next) => {
      let token: string = req.get('Authorization') || req.query.token || req.body.token;

      try {
          if (token) {
              token = token.replace('Bearer ', '');
              req.device = <Type.DeviceJwtI>jwt.verify(token, JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY);
          } else {
              res.status(401).json({ message: 'Token not found.' });
      } catch (error: any) {
          return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Not authorized, invalid token.' });

  const createAccessToken: Type.JwtAccessFn = (user) => {
      return jwt.sign(
          { _id: user!._id, firstName: user!.firstName, lastName: user!.lastName, admin: user!.admin },
          { expiresIn: `${JWT_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN}d` }

  const createCustomToken: Type.JwtVerifyFn = (mode, attrs = {}, secretKey, expiresIn) => {
      attrs['mode'] = mode;
      if (expiresIn > 0) return jwt.sign(attrs, secretKey, { expiresIn: `${expiresIn}d` });
      return jwt.sign(attrs, secretKey);

  export { auth, authDevice, createAccessToken, createCustomToken };



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In src/models/api.ts

  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
  import mongoose from 'mongoose';

  const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
  const SECRET_KEY_BASE: string = process.env.SECRET_KEY_BASE!;

  const apiSchema = new Schema<Type.ApiI>(
          name: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              lowercase: true,
              trim: true,
          url: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              trim: true,
          key: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              trim: true,
          value: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              trim: true,
          description: {
              type: String,
              trim: true,
          active: {
              type: Boolean,
              default: false,
          userId: {
              type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
              ref: 'User',
              required: true,
          timestamps: true,

  apiSchema.pre<Type.ApiI>('save', function (next) {
      const api = this;

      if (api!.isModified('key')) api!.key = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(this!.get('key'), SECRET_KEY_BASE).toString();
      if (api!.isModified('value')) api!.value = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(this!.get('value'), SECRET_KEY_BASE).toString();

  apiSchema.methods.getKey = function (callback) {
      const key = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(this.get('key'), SECRET_KEY_BASE).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
      const value = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(this.get('value'), SECRET_KEY_BASE).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

      callback(key, value);

  apiSchema.set('toJSON', {
      transform: function (_: any, ret: Type.ApiI) {
          delete ret!.userId;
          delete ret!.createdAt;
          delete ret!.updatedAt;
          delete ret!.__v;
          return ret;

  export default mongoose.model<Type.ApiI>('Api', apiSchema);


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In src/models/device.ts

  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import mongoose from 'mongoose';

  const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

  const deviceSchema = new Schema<Type.DeviceI>(
          name: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              lowercase: true,
              trim: true,
          token: {
              type: String,
              default: '',
              trim: true,
          expiresIn: {
              type: Number,
              min: 0,
              default: 0,
          description: {
              type: String,
              trim: true,
          active: {
              type: Boolean,
              default: false,
          notify: {
              type: Boolean,
              default: false,
          userId: {
              type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
              ref: 'User',
              required: true,
          timestamps: true,

  deviceSchema.set('toJSON', {
      transform: function (_: any, ret: Type.DeviceI) {
          delete ret!.userId;
          delete ret!.createdAt;
          delete ret!.updatedAt;
          delete ret!.__v;
          return ret;

  export default mongoose.model<Type.DeviceI>('Device', deviceSchema);


Go Back to Contents

In src/models/user.ts

  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
  import mongoose from 'mongoose';

  const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
  const SALT_ROUNDS: number = 6;

  const userSchema = new Schema<Type.UserI>(
          firstName: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              trim: true,
          lastName: {
              type: String,
              required: true,
              trim: true,
          email: {
              type: String,
              lowercase: true,
              required: true,
              unique: true,
              trim: true,
          tempEmail: {
              type: String,
              lowercase: true,
              trim: true,
          verifyToken: String,
          password: {
              type: String,
              minlength: process.env.PASSWORD_LEN,
              require: true,
              trim: true,
          status: {
              type: String,
              enum: ['incomplete', 'suspended', 'activated'],
              default: 'incomplete',
              required: true,
          admin: {
              type: Boolean,
              default: false,
          telegramId: {
              type: String,
              trim: true,
              default: '',
          isTelegramVerified: {
              type: Boolean,
              default: false,
          loginCount: {
              type: Number,
              default: 0,
          waitCount: {
              type: Number,
              default: 0,
          timestamps: true,

  userSchema.pre<Type.UserI>('save', async function (next) {
      const user = this;

      if (user!.isModified('password')) user!.password = await bcrypt.hash(this!.get('password'), SALT_ROUNDS);

  userSchema.methods.comparePassword = function (tryPassword, callback) {
      bcrypt.compare(tryPassword, this.get('password'), callback);

  userSchema.set('toJSON', {
      transform: function (_: any, ret: Type.UserI) {
          delete ret!.password;
          delete ret!.verifyToken;
          delete ret!.status;
          delete ret!.loginCount;
          delete ret!.waitCount;
          delete ret!.createdAt;
          delete ret!.updatedAt;
          delete ret!.__v;
          return ret;

  export default mongoose.model<Type.UserI>('User', userSchema);

Pre Save

Go Back to Contents

  • Called every time we save a document

    • Checks if the password changed
      • If changed, then it will use bcrypt.hash() to hash the password
      • SALT_ROUNDS, is used to encrypt the password.
      userSchema.pre<Type.UserI>('save', async function (next) {
          const user = this;
          if (user!.isModified('password')) user!.password = await bcrypt.hash(this!.get('password'), SALT_ROUNDS);

Compare Password

Go Back to Contents

  • Added a custom method to comparePassword (comparePassword could be any name)

    • Using the compare() method from bcrypt to compare passwords
      • The first argument is the password that we want to check
      • The second argument is the hashed password from the database
      • The third argument is the callback function, called after comparing th password
        • The callback function has an error and isMatch arguments
        • We use them to check the password is valid
      userSchema.methods.comparePassword = function (tryPassword, callback) {
          bcrypt.compare(tryPassword, this.get('password'), callback);

Remove Fields

Go Back to Contents

  • We use the following structure to remove fields from mongoose queries.

      userSchema.set('toJSON', {
          transform: function(doc, ret) {
              delete ret.field1;
              delete ret.field2;
              return ret;
      userSchema.set('toJSON', {
          transform: function (_: any, ret: Type.UserI) {
              delete ret!.password;
              delete ret!.verifyToken;
              delete ret!.status;
              delete ret!.loginCount;
              delete ret!.waitCount;
              delete ret!.createdAt;
              delete ret!.updatedAt;
              delete ret!.__v;
              return ret;


In src/routes/routes.ts

  import { Router } from 'express';
  import apiRoutes from './api/api';
  import deviceRoutes from './api/device';
  import iotDeviceRoutes from './api/iot-device';
  import userRoutes from './api/user';

  const router: Router = Router();

  router.use('/api', apiRoutes);
  router.use('/device', deviceRoutes);
  router.use('/iot-device', iotDeviceRoutes);
  router.use('/user', userRoutes);

  export default router;


Go Back to Contents

In src/routes/api/api.ts

  import * as apiCtrl from '@api';
  import { auth } from '@auth';
  import { Router } from 'express';

  const router: Router = Router();

  router.post('/new', auth, apiCtrl.newApi);
  router.put('/:id', auth, apiCtrl.updateApi);
  router.get('/:id', auth, apiCtrl.getApi);
  router.delete('/:id', auth, apiCtrl.deleteApi);
  router.post('/', auth, apiCtrl.getApis);

  export default router;


Go Back to Contents

In src/routes/api/device.ts

  import { auth } from '@auth';
  import * as deviceCtrl from '@device';
  import { Router } from 'express';

  const router: Router = Router();

  router.post('/new', auth, deviceCtrl.newDevice);
  router.put('/:id', auth, deviceCtrl.updateDevice);
  router.get('/:id', auth, deviceCtrl.getDevice);
  router.delete('/:id', auth, deviceCtrl.deleteDevice);
  router.post('/', auth, deviceCtrl.getDevices);

  export default router;


Go Back to Contents

In src/routes/api/iot-device.ts

  import { authDevice } from '@auth';
  import * as iotDeviceCtrl from '@iot-device';
  import { Router } from 'express';

  const router: Router = Router();

  router.post('/arduino', authDevice, iotDeviceCtrl.notify);

  export default router;


Go Back to Contents

In src/routes/users.ts

  • Using Router from express to create different routes GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE

  • We have two types of routes: publics and privates

    • Private routes use the auth middleware to check if user is authenticated
  import { auth } from '@auth';
  import * as userCtrl from '@user';
  import { Router } from 'express';

  const router: Router = Router();

  router.post('/signup', userCtrl.signUpUser);
  router.post('/login', userCtrl.loginUser);
  router.post('/email', userCtrl.resendEmailVerification);
  router.get('/email/:verifyToken', userCtrl.verifyEmail);
  router.post('/password', userCtrl.resetPassword);
  router.put('/password/:verifyToken', userCtrl.updatePassword);

  router.get('/profile', auth, userCtrl.getUser);
  router.put('/profile', auth, userCtrl.updateUser);
  router.delete('/profile', auth, userCtrl.deleteUser);

  export default router;



In src/utils/@types/types.ts

  export * from './functions/email';
  export * from './functions/mongo';
  export * from './functions/request';
  export * from './functions/shared';
  export * from './functions/telegram';
  export * from './functions/user';
  export * from './functions/validator';
  export * from './types/api';
  export * from './types/device';
  export * from './types/email';
  export * from './types/iot-device';
  export * from './types/request';
  export * from './types/shared';
  export * from './types/telegram';
  export * from './types/user';


Go Back to Contents

  • In src/utils/@types/functions/email.ts

      import { EmailMsg } from '@cTypes';
      export type EmailFn<U, H> = {
          (user: U, host?: H): EmailMsg;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/mongo.ts

      import { Obj } from '@cTypes';
      import mongoose from 'mongoose';
      export type UpdateDocumentFn = {
          (document: Obj, body: Obj, permit: string[]): void;
      export type ObjectIdFn = {
          (id: string): mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/request.ts

      import { Obj, UserI } from '@cTypes';
      export type JwtAccessFn = {
          (user: UserI): string;
      export type JwtVerifyFn = {
          (mode: string, attrs: Obj, secretKey: string, expiresIn: number): string;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/shared.ts

      export type TitleCaseFn = {
          (txt: string): string;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/telegram.ts

      import { Obj, UserI } from '@cTypes';
      import { Context } from 'telegraf';
      import { InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardMarkup } from 'telegraf/typings/core/types/typegram';
      import { Markup } from 'telegraf/typings/markup';
      export type GetUserFn = {
          (ctx: Context): Promise<UserI>;
      export type DeleteMsgGetUserFn = {
          (ctx: Context): Promise<UserI>;
      export type SendMsgFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msg: string, disablePreview?: boolean, personal?: boolean): Promise<number>;
      export type SendMsgDeleteMsgFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msg: string, time?: number): Promise<void>;
      export type SendInLineKeyboardFn = {
              ctx: Context,
              msg: string,
              keyboard: Markup<InlineKeyboardMarkup>,
              telegramId?: number,
              disablePreview?: boolean,
              personal?: boolean
          ): Promise<number>;
      export type SendKeyboardFn = {
              ctx: Context,
              msg: string,
              keyboard: Markup<ReplyKeyboardMarkup>,
              disablePreview?: boolean,
              personal?: boolean
          ): Promise<number>;
      export type EditMsgFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msg: string, disablePreview?: boolean): Promise<void>;
      export type EditMsgDeleteMsgFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msg: string, time?: number): void;
      export type EditInLineKeyboardFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msg: string, keyboard: Markup<InlineKeyboardMarkup>, disablePreview?: boolean): Promise<void>;
      export type DeleteMsgFn = {
          (ctx: Context, msgId?: number, time?: number): Promise<void>;
      export type GetTempFn = {
          (ctx: Context, tempKey: string): Promise<Obj>;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/user.ts

      import { UserI } from '@cTypes';
      import { Response } from 'express';
      export type AddTryFn = {
          (user: UserI, res: Response): void;
      export type CheckTimeElapsedFn = {
          (user: UserI, res: Response): Promise<boolean>;
  • In src/utils/@types/functions/validator.ts

      import { Obj } from '@cTypes';
      export type CheckFn<T> = {
          (value: T): boolean;
      export type CheckPropertyFn = {
          (propertyName: string, data: Obj, length?: number | undefined): boolean;
      export type ValidatorFn<T> = {
          (data: T): {
              errors: Obj;
              valid: boolean;


Go Back to Contents

  • In src/utils/@types/types/api.ts

      import { Callback } from '@cTypes';
      import { Document } from 'mongoose';
      interface ApiD extends Document {
          _id: string;
          name: string;
          url: string;
          key: string;
          value: string;
          userId?: string;
          active: boolean;
          description: string;
          getKey?(callback: Callback): void;
          createdAt?: string;
          updatedAt?: string;
          __v?: number;
      export type ApiI = ApiD | null;
      export type ApiForm = {
          _id?: string;
          name?: string;
          url?: string;
          key?: string;
          value?: string;
          description?: string;
          active?: boolean;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/device.ts

      import { Document } from 'mongoose';
      interface DeviceD extends Document {
          _id: string;
          name: string;
          token: string;
          expiresIn: number;
          description: string;
          active: boolean;
          notify: boolean;
          userId?: string;
          createdAt?: string;
          updatedAt?: string;
          __v?: number;
      export type DeviceI = DeviceD | null;
      export type DeviceForm = {
          _id?: string;
          name?: string;
          token?: string;
          expiresIn?: number;
          description?: string;
          active?: boolean;
          notify?: boolean;
          userId?: string;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/email.ts

      export type EmailMsg = {
          from: string;
          to: string;
          subject: string;
          html: string;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/iot-device.ts

      import { Obj } from '@cTypes';
      export type IoTDeviceData = {
          data: Obj;
          notify?: boolean;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/request.ts

      declare module 'express-serve-static-core' {
          export interface Request {
              user?: UserJwtI;
              device?: DeviceJwtI;
      export type Request = (type: string, url: string, data?: any, reqToken?: string, throwError?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
      export type RequestOptions = {
          method: string;
          mode?: RequestMode;
          headers: {
              'Content-Type': string;
              'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'?: string;
              Authorization?: string;
          body?: string;
      export interface UserJwtI {
          _id: string;
          firstName: string;
          lastName: string;
          admin: boolean;
          iat: number;
          exp: number;
      export interface DeviceJwtI {
          _id: string;
          userId: string;
          iat: number;
          exp?: number;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/shared.ts

      export type Callback = (error: string, isMatch: boolean) => void;
      export type Obj = {
          [key: string]: any;
  • In src/utils/@types/types/telegram.ts

      import { Types as TelegramType } from 'telegraf';
      import * as TelegramCoreType from 'telegraf/typings/core/types/typegram';
      import { Markup } from 'telegraf/typings/markup';
      export type InLineKeyboard = Markup<TelegramCoreType.InlineKeyboardMarkup>;
      export type InLineKeyboardConfig = {
          columns: number;
          rows: number;
      export type ReplyKeyboard = Markup<TelegramCoreType.ReplyKeyboardMarkup>;
      export type ExtraReplyMessage = TelegramType.ExtraReplyMessage;
      export type ExtraEditMessageText = TelegramType.ExtraEditMessageText;
      export type MessageId = TelegramCoreType.MessageId;
      export type Hideable<B> = B & { hide?: boolean };
      export type InLineMenu = Hideable<TelegramCoreType.InlineKeyboardButton>[];
  • In src/utils/@types/types/user.ts

      import { Callback } from '@cTypes';
      import { Document } from 'mongoose';
      interface UserD extends Document {
          _id: string;
          firstName: string;
          lastName: string;
          email: string;
          tempEmail: string;
          verifyToken?: string;
          password?: string;
          status?: string;
          admin?: boolean;
          telegramId: string;
          isTelegramVerified: boolean;
          comparePassword(password: string, callback: Callback): void;
          loginCount?: number;
          waitCount?: Number;
          createdAt?: string;
          updatedAt?: string;
          __v?: number;
      export type UserI = UserD | null;
      export type UserLoginForm = {
          _id?: string;
          email: string;
          password: string;
      export type UserDeleteForm = {
          password: string;
      export type UserEmailForm = {
          email: string;
      export type UserPasswordForm = {
          password: string;
          confirmPassword?: string;
      export type UserSignUpForm = {
          _id?: string;
          firstName: string;
          lastName: string;
          email: string;
          password: string;
          confirmPassword?: string;
          verifyToken?: string;
      export type UserProfileForm = {
          _id?: string;
          firstName: string;
          lastName: string;
          password: string;
          email: string;
          newPassword: string;
          confirmNewPassword: string;
          telegramId: string;
      export type SignUpUserRes = {
          message: string;
          verifyToken?: string;
      export type LoginUserRes = {
          token: string;
          message: string;
          verifyToken?: string;



Go Back to Contents

  • In src/utils/helpers/functions/generate-email.ts

    • Helper function to create custom messages to send emails using SendGrid API

    • the SendGrid API specifies a template that we need to follow in order to use send an email

        const msg = {
          to: 'test@example.com', // Change to your recipient
          from: 'test@example.com', // Change to your verified sender
          subject: 'Sending with SendGrid is Fun',
          text: 'and easy to do anywhere, even with Node.js',
          html: '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Node.js</strong>',
      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      const URL_FRONTEND: string = process.env.URL_FRONTEND!;
      export const userSignUp: Type.EmailFn<Type.UserI, string> = (user, host) => {
          return {
              from: process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL!,
              to: user!.email,
              subject: 'Verify your email',
              html: `
                      <h1>Hello ${user!.firstName}</h1>
                      <p>Thanks for registering on our website.</p>
                      <a href="http://${host}/api/user/email/${user!.verifyToken}">Click here to verify your account</a>
      export const updateUserEmail: Type.EmailFn<Type.UserI, string> = (user, host) => {
          return {
              from: process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL!,
              to: user!.tempEmail,
              subject: 'Verify your email',
              html: `
                      <h1>Hello ${user!.firstName}</h1>
                      <a href="http://${host}/api/user/email/${user!.verifyToken}">Click here to confirm your new email</a>
      export const resetUserPassword: Type.EmailFn<Type.UserI, null> = (user) => {
          return {
              from: process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL!,
              to: user!.email,
              subject: 'Reset password',
              html: `
                      <h1>Hello ${user!.firstName}</h1>
                      We're sending you this email because you requested a password reset. Click on this link to create a new password:
                      <a href="${URL_FRONTEND}/reset-password/${user!.verifyToken}">Set a new password</a>
                      If you didn't request a password reset, you can ignore this email. Your password will not be changed.
      export const updateUserPassword: Type.EmailFn<Type.UserI, null> = (user) => {
          return {
              from: process.env.SENDGRID_EMAIL!,
              to: user!.email,
              subject: 'Update password',
              html: `
                      <h1>Hello ${user!.firstName}</h1>
                      Your password has been updated. Please login using your new credentials.
  • In src/utils/helpers/functions/mongo.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import mongoose from 'mongoose';
      export const updateDocument: Type.UpdateDocumentFn = (document, body, permittedFields) => {
          permittedFields.forEach((key) => {
              if (body.hasOwnProperty(key)) document[key] = body[key];
      export const objectId: Type.ObjectIdFn = (id) => {
          return mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id);
  • In src/utils/helpers/functions/request.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import fetch from 'node-fetch';
      export const request: Type.Request = async (type, url, attrs, reqToken, throwError) => {
          const option: Type.RequestOptions = {
              method: type,
              headers: {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          if (reqToken) option.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${reqToken}`;
          if (attrs && type !== 'GET') option.body = JSON.stringify(attrs);
          return fetch(url, option).then(async (res: any) => {
              const data = await res.json();
              if (throwError) {
                  if (res.ok) return data;
                  throw new Error(data.error);
              if (res.ok) return { data, error: null };
              return { data: null, error: data.error };
  • In src/utils/helpers/functions/shared.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      export const titleCase: Type.TitleCaseFn = (txt) => {
          return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
  • In src/utils/helpers/functions.ts

      export * from './functions/generate-email';
      export * from './functions/mongo';
      export * from './functions/request';
      export * from './functions/shared';


Go Back to Contents

  • In src/utils/helpers/validators/api.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import { checkProperty } from './shared';
      export const apiForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.ApiForm> = (data) => {
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('name', data)) errors.name = 'API name must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('url', data)) errors.url = 'API URL must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('key', data)) errors.key = 'API key must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('value', data)) errors.value = 'API value must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('active', data)) errors.active = 'API status must not be empty.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
  • In src/utils/helpers/validators/device.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import { checkProperty } from './shared';
      export const deviceForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.DeviceForm> = (data) => {
          const { expiresIn } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('name', data)) errors.name = 'Device name must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('active', data)) errors.active = 'Device status must not be empty.';
          if (data.hasOwnProperty('expiresIn') && isNaN(+expiresIn!))
              errors.expiresIn = 'Device expiration must be an integer.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
  • In src/utils/helpers/validators/shared.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      export const isEmpty: Type.CheckFn<string | undefined> = (value) => {
          if (value === undefined || (value.length === 0 && value.trim() === '')) return true;
          return false;
      export const isEmail: Type.CheckFn<string> = (value) => {
          const emailRegEx =
          if (value && value.match(emailRegEx)) return true;
          return false;
      export const checkProperty: Type.CheckPropertyFn = (propertyName, data, length) => {
          if (!data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) return false;
          if (isEmpty(data[propertyName])) return false;
          if (length && data[propertyName].length < length) return false;
          return true;
  • In src/utils/helpers/validators/user.ts

      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import { checkProperty, isEmail } from './shared';
      const PASSWORD_LENGTH: number = +process.env.PASSWORD_LEN!;
      export const userSignUpForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.UserSignUpForm> = (data) => {
          const { email, password, confirmPassword } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('email', data)) errors.email = 'Email must not be empty.';
          else if (checkProperty('email', data) && !isEmail(email)) errors.email = 'Email must be a valid email address.';
          if (!checkProperty('firstName', data)) errors.firstName = 'First name must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('lastName', data)) errors.lastName = 'Last name must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data)) errors.password = 'Password must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('confirmPassword', data)) errors.confirmPassword = 'Confirm password must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.passwordLength = `Password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (!checkProperty('confirmPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.confirmPasswordLength = `Confirm password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (
              checkProperty('password', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH) &&
              checkProperty('confirmPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH) &&
              password !== confirmPassword
              errors.passwords = 'Passwords must be equal.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
      export const userLoginForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.UserLoginForm> = (data) => {
          const { email } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('email', data)) errors.email = 'Email must not be empty.';
          else if (checkProperty('email', data) && !isEmail(email)) errors.email = 'Email must be a valid email address.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data)) errors.password = 'Password must not be empty.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
      export const userProfileForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.UserProfileForm> = (data) => {
          const { email, newPassword, confirmNewPassword } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          let count = 0;
          if (!checkProperty('email', data)) errors.email = 'New email must not be empty.';
          else if (checkProperty('email', data) && !isEmail(email)) errors.email = 'New email must be a valid email address.';
          if (data.hasOwnProperty('firstName') && !checkProperty('firstName', data))
              errors.firstName = 'First name must not be empty.';
          if (data.hasOwnProperty('lastName') && !checkProperty('lastName', data))
              errors.lastName = 'Last name must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data)) errors.password = 'Password must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.passwordLength = `Password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (confirmNewPassword && !checkProperty('newPassword', data))
              errors.newPassword = 'New password must not be empty.';
          if (confirmNewPassword && !checkProperty('newPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.newPasswordLength = `New password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (newPassword && !checkProperty('confirmNewPassword', data))
              errors.confirmNewPassword = 'Confirm new password must not be empty.';
          if (newPassword && !checkProperty('confirmNewPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.confirmNewPasswordLength = `Confirm new password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (
              data.hasOwnProperty('newPassword') &&
              checkProperty('newPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH) &&
              data.hasOwnProperty('confirmNewPassword') &&
              checkProperty('confirmNewPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH) &&
              newPassword !== confirmNewPassword
              errors.passwords = 'New passwords must be equal.';
          Object.keys(data).forEach(() => count++);
          if (count === 1) errors.unchanged = 'Must modify something.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
      export const userPasswordForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.UserPasswordForm> = (data) => {
          const { password, confirmPassword } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('password', data)) errors.password = 'Password must not be empty.';
          if (!checkProperty('password', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.passwordLength = `Password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (data.hasOwnProperty('confirmPassword') && !checkProperty('confirmPassword', data))
              errors.confirmPassword = 'Confirm password must not be empty.';
          if (data.hasOwnProperty('confirmPassword') && !checkProperty('confirmPassword', data, PASSWORD_LENGTH))
              errors.confirmPasswordLength = `Confirm password must be greater than ${PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.`;
          if (checkProperty('password', data) && checkProperty('confirmPassword', data) && password !== confirmPassword)
              errors.passwords = 'Passwords must be equal.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
      export const userEmailForm: Type.ValidatorFn<Type.UserEmailForm> = (data) => {
          const { email } = data;
          const errors: Type.Obj = {};
          if (!checkProperty('email', data)) errors.email = 'Email must not be empty.';
          else if (checkProperty('email', data) && !isEmail(email)) errors.email = 'Email must be a valid email address.';
          return {
              valid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0 ? true : false,
  • In src/utils/helpers/validators.ts

      export * from './validators/api';
      export * from './validators/device';
      export * from './validators/shared';
      export * from './validators/user';


We split the server into 2 files (app.ts and index.ts) so we can in the future use Jest to automate our API test


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In src/app.ts

  import '@config/database';
  import { bot, secretPath } from '@config/telegram';
  import apiRoutes from '@routes';
  import '@telegram';
  import cors from 'cors';
  import express, { Application, Request, Response } from 'express';
  import helmet from 'helmet';
  import logger from 'morgan';

  const app: Application = express();

  app.use('/api', apiRoutes);

  app.get('/*', (_: Request, res: Response) => {
      res.status(404).json({ message: "Path doesn't exist." });

  export default app;


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In src/index.ts

  import app from '@app';
  const port: number = +process.env.PORT! || 3001;
  const ENV: string = process.env.ENV!;

  app.listen(port, () => {
      const serverType: string = ENV.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ENV.substr(1).toLowerCase();
      console.log(`${serverType} server is running on port ${port}`);

Jest - Test


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Initializing Jest

  ./node_modules/.bin/jest --init

Setting Jest

  It seems that you already have a jest configuration, do you want to override it?
  # Y

  Would you like to use Jest when running "test" script in "package.json"?
  # Y

  Choose the test environment that will be used for testing
  # node

  Do you want Jest to add coverage reports?
  # N (we are going to change later to Yes)

  Which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage?
  # babel

  Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test?
  # Y


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By default jest doesn't work with TypeScript, that's why need to install ts-jest

the ts-jest helps us to test the file without the need to compile the file (transform from .ts to .js)

In ./jest.config.js

  • We define the root path using the path module, and set the rootDir to root

  • we need to define moduleNameMapper so jest can map the right path since we are using TypeScript alias

      const { resolve } = require('path');
      const root = resolve(__dirname);
       * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit:
       * https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration
      module.exports = {
          displayName: 'TEST',
          clearMocks: true,
          coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/'],
          moduleNameMapper: {
              '~/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/$1',
              '@app': '<rootDir>/src/app.ts',
              '@config/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/config/$1',
              '@controllers/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/$1',
              '@telegram': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/telegram/telegram.ts',
              '@tHelpers': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/telegram/helpers/helpers.ts',
              '@api': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/api/v1/api.ts',
              '@device': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/api/v1/device.ts',
              '@iot-device': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/api/v1/iot-device.ts',
              '@user': '<rootDir>/src/controllers/api/v1/user.ts',
              '@middlewares/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/middlewares/$1',
              '@auth': '<rootDir>/src/middlewares/auth.ts',
              '@models/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/models/$1',
              '@routes': '<rootDir>/src/routes/routes.ts',
              '@temp': '<rootDir>/src/tmp/temp.ts',
              '@utils/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/utils/$1',
              '@cTypes': '<rootDir>/src/utils/@types/types.ts',
              '@helpers/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/utils/helpers/$1',
              '@cFunctions': '<rootDir>/src/utils/helpers/functions.ts',
              '@validators': '<rootDir>/src/utils/helpers/validators.ts',
          preset: 'ts-jest',
          rootDir: root,
          testMatch: ['<rootDir>/src/**/*.test.ts'],

Database Connects

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In src/tests/database/database.ts

  import * as auth from '@auth';
  import Api from '@models/api';
  import Device from '@models/device';
  import User from '@models/user';
  import mongoose from 'mongoose';
  import * as TestType from '../__mocks__/@types/types';

  const JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY: string = process.env.JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY!;

  export const user1: TestType.UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      firstName: 'User name 1',
      lastName: 'User last name 1',
      email: 'your_email_1@test.com',
      password: 'test123',
      status: 'activated',
      telegramId: '12345a',
      isTelegramVerified: true,

  export const user2: TestType.UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      firstName: 'User name 2',
      lastName: 'User last name 2',
      email: 'your_email_2@test.com',
      password: 'test123',
      status: 'incomplete',
      telegramId: '12345b',
      isTelegramVerified: false,

  export const user3: TestType.UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      firstName: 'User name 3',
      lastName: 'User last name 3',
      email: 'your_email_3@test.com',
      password: 'test123',
      status: 'activated',
      telegramId: '12345c',
      isTelegramVerified: true,

  export const user4: TestType.UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      firstName: 'User name 4',
      lastName: 'User last name 4',
      email: 'your_email_4@test.com',
      password: 'test123',
      status: 'activated',
      telegramId: '12345d',
      isTelegramVerified: true,

  export const user5: TestType.UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      firstName: 'User name 5',
      lastName: 'User last name 5',
      email: 'your_email_5@test.com',
      password: 'test123',
      status: 'suspended',
      telegramId: '12345e',
      isTelegramVerified: true,

  export const user1api1: TestType.ApiObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Api 1, User 1',
      key: 'Api key 1, User 1',
      value: 'Api secret value 1, User 1',
      url: 'www.rogertakeshita.com',
      active: true,
      userId: user1._id,

  export const user1api2: TestType.ApiObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Api 2, User 1',
      key: 'Api key 2, User 1',
      value: 'Api secret value 2, User 1',
      url: 'www.rogertakeshita.com',
      active: false,
      userId: user1._id,

  export const user3api1: TestType.ApiObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Api 1, User 3',
      key: 'Api key 1, User 3',
      value: 'Api secret value 1, User 3',
      url: 'www.rogertakeshita.com',
      active: true,
      userId: user3._id,

  export const user1device1: TestType.DeviceObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Device 1, User 1',
      token: auth.createCustomToken('device', {}, JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY, 7),
      expiresIn: 7,
      description: 'Device description 1, User 1',
      active: true,
      userId: user1._id,

  export const user1device2: TestType.DeviceObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Device 2, User 1',
      token: auth.createCustomToken('device', {}, JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY, 7),
      expiresIn: 7,
      description: 'Device description 2, User 1',
      active: false,
      userId: user1._id,

  export const user3device1: TestType.DeviceObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
      name: 'Device 1, User 3',
      token: auth.createCustomToken('device', {}, JWT_DEVICE_SECRET_KEY, 7),
      expiresIn: 7,
      description: 'Device description 1, User 3',
      active: true,
      userId: user3._id,

  export const setupDatabase = async () => {
      await User.deleteMany({});
      await new User(user1).save();
      await new User(user2).save();
      await new User(user3).save();
      await new User(user4).save();
      await new User(user5).save();
      await Api.deleteMany({});
      await new Api(user1api1).save();
      await new Api(user1api2).save();
      await new Api(user3api1).save();
      await Device.deleteMany({});
      await new Device(user1device1).save();
      await new Device(user1device2).save();
      await new Device(user3device1).save();

  export const closeDatabase = async () => {

Test Cases

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  • In src/tests/user.test.ts

      import app from '@app';
      import * as Type from '@cTypes';
      import User from '@models/user';
      import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
      import request from 'supertest';
      import { closeDatabase, setupDatabase, user1, user2, user3, user5 } from './database/database';
      import { getLoginToken } from './helpers/helpers';
      import * as TestType from './__mocks__/@types/types';
      const USER_URL: string = '/api/user';
      const JWT_SECRET_KEY: string = process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY!;
      const PASSWORD_LEN: number = +process.env.PASSWORD_LEN!;
      const LOGIN_WAIT_TIME: number = +process.env.LOGIN_WAIT_TIME!;
      const LOGIN_MAX_TRY: number = +process.env.LOGIN_MAX_TRY!;
      describe("User's API", () => {
          it('Should sign up new user', async () => {
              const form: Type.UserSignUpForm = {
                  email: 'your_email_10@test.com',
                  firstName: 'Roger 10',
                  lastName: 'That 10',
                  password: 'test123',
                  confirmPassword: 'test123',
              const response: TestType.ResponseMsg = await request(app).post(`${USER_URL}/signup`).send(form).expect(201);
              const user: Type.UserI = await User.findOne({ email: form.email });
                  message: 'Your account has been created. Please check your email to verify your account.',
          it('Should NOT sign up new user - existing user/email', async () => {
              const form: Type.UserSignUpForm = {
                  email: user1.email,
                  firstName: 'Roger 10',
                  lastName: 'That 10',
                  password: 'test123',
                  confirmPassword: 'test123',
              const response: TestType.ResponseMsg = await request(app).post(`${USER_URL}/signup`).send(form).expect(400);
                  message: 'Email already in use.',
          it('Should NOT sign up new user - empty first name', async () => {
              const form: Type.UserSignUpForm = {
                  email: 'your_email_10@test.com',
                  firstName: '',
                  lastName: 'That 10',
                  password: 'test123',
                  confirmPassword: 'test123',
              const response: TestType.ResponseMsg = await request(app).post(`${USER_URL}/signup`).send(form).expect(400);
                  firstName: 'First name must not be empty.',
          it('Should NOT sign up new user - empty last name', async () => {
              const form: Type.UserSignUpForm = {
                  email: 'your_email_10@test.com',
                  firstName: 'Roger 10',
                  lastName: '',
                  password: 'test123',
                  confirmPassword: 'test123',
              const response: TestType.ResponseMsg = await request(app).post(`${USER_URL}/signup`).send(form).expect(400);
                  lastName: 'Last name must not be empty.',


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We use __mocks__ to override the node_modules/@sendgrind/mail

To override something, we just need to follow the same structure of the package

In src/tests/__mocks__/@sendgrid/mails.ts

  • We are going to override the setApiKey and send methods

      module.exports = {
          setApiKey() {},
          send() {},

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We use __mocks__ to override the node_modules/@types and create our custom types specific for testing.

In src/tests/__mocks__/@types/types.ts

  import * as Type from '@cTypes';
  import mongoose from 'mongoose';

  export type UserObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
      firstName: string;
      lastName: string;
      email: string;
      password: string;
      status: string;
      telegramId: string;
      isTelegramVerified: boolean;

  export type ApiObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
      name: string;
      key: string;
      value: string;
      url: string;
      active: boolean;
      userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

  export type DeviceObj = {
      _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
      name: string;
      token: string;
      expiresIn: number;
      description: string;
      active: boolean;
      userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

  export type LoginResponse = {
      body: Type.LoginUserRes;

  export type ResponseMsg = {
      body: {
          message: string;

  export type UserProfile = {
      body: {
          firstName: string;
          lastName: string;
          email: string;

  export type GetLoginTokenFn = {
      (user: UserObj): Promise<string>;

Coverage Test

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  • To display the coverage test

    • Add -- --coverage in the end of the command
    • Run the command npm run test -- --coverage

    • NOTE still needs more tests to handle the return res.status(500) in src/controllers/users.ts to reach 100% of coverage.


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  • Using babel to transpile our code into JavaScript

    • Babel is necessary because only TSC can't convert 100% correct. Since we are using alias, tsc can't convert the alias to correct path.
    • To do so, we need babel and its dependencies


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In babel.config.js

  module.exports = {
      presets: [
                  targets: {
                      node: 'current',
      plugins: [
                  alias: {
                      '~': './src',
                      '@app': './src',
                      '@config': './src/config',
                      '@controllers': './src/controllers',
                      '@telegram': './src/controllers/telegram',
                      '@tHelpers': './src/controllers/telegram/helpers',
                      '@api': './src/controllers/api/v1',
                      '@device': './src/controllers/api/v1',
                      '@iot-device': './src/controllers/api/v1',
                      '@user': './src/controllers/api/v1',
                      '@middlewares': './src/middlewares',
                      '@auth': './src/middlewares',
                      '@models': './src/models',
                      '@routes': './src/routes',
                      '@temp': './src/tmp',
                      '@utils': './src/utils',
                      '@cTypes': './src/utils/@types',
                      '@helpers': './src/utils/helpers',
                      '@cFunctions': './src/utils/helpers',
                      '@validators': './src/utils/helpers',
      ignore: ['**/*.test.ts', '**/*.spec.ts'],
  • presets

    • @babel/preset-env and tells to convert our code to the current node version
    • @babel/preset-typescript so babel can understand TypeScript
  • plugins

    • We have our module-resolver responsible for change/understand our alias (@controllers, @modules, ...) path. we add them manually again
  • in our scripts in package.json:

    • we have "build": "babel src --extensions \".js,.ts\" --out-dir dist --copy-files --no-copy-ignored",
      • we are using babel to transpile, then we tell what folder (src)
      • --extensions \".js,.ts\", what files babel should use/convert
      • --out-dir dist, output dir -> dist folder
      • --copy-files, copy other files like html, css, images...
      • --no-copy-ignored, don't copy ignored files