
This codebase contains all tooling functionalities that will accelerate my workflow.

Primary LanguageGo

Preface πŸš€

Hola! I created this utility CLI to streamline my daily tasks. It's grown to include backend support, with an API on the horizon! 🌐

Pre-installation Requirements πŸ“‹

Software Needed

Environment Variables

  • 🌍 MIGRATION_DIR: Specify your app directory (e.g., ./internal/database/migrations).

Installation Steps πŸ”§

  1. Execute migration and install pre-commit hooks:
    sh ./scripts/dev_setup.sh
  2. Generate docs:
    Generate your docs here

Script Commands πŸ› οΈ (Context: Main Directory)

  • sh ./scripts/build-cli.sh: Compiles the CLI.
  • sh ./scripts/build-di.sh: Compiles the container.
  • sh ./scripts/build-sqlboiler.sh: Generates sqlboiler ORM files.
  • sh ./scripts/migrate.sh: Performs database migration.

Convenience commands

  • clear_all && go test ./... -parallel=100 -count=1: runs tests with parallel, and no-cache

Features 🌟

Copy Root Path to Clipboard βœ…

  • Command: clip-file-contents
  • Copies the specified root path's contents to the clipboard, excluding .GIT, IDE configurations, and non-essential files. Each copy includes a header for file identification.

Clip GPT Code Standards Preface βœ…

  • Command: clip-gpt-preface
  • Enhances ChatGPT code quality by incorporating a preface that focuses on defensive programming, testability, readability, and modularity.

Copy One Folder to Another βœ…

  • Facilitates folder content transfer with options for exclusions and pre-transfer cleanup, preserving essential metadata.

Todo Roadmap πŸ—ΊοΈ

  • Implement a Makefile for rapid development setup in a Docker environment, including binary compilation and CLI integration into shell configurations.
  • Enhance CLI documentation with detailed command descriptions.
  • Introduce automated testing in CI workflows for pull requests and merges - βœ…
  • Expand Docker configurations for backend development.
  • Refactor utility package to be more idiomatic by creating sub-packages

This streamlined structure with emojis makes the document more engaging and easier to navigate, highlighting key features and steps visually.