
We are looking to get a decent transfer of Ethers (cryptocurrency) to one of our company wallets. Unfortunately we're not sure which one so we would appreciate a bit of help. Your task is to create an application that helps users monitor their Ethereum wallets.

app screenshot

Business Requirements:

  • As a User I'd like to add my existing Wallet address to list of monitored Wallet addresses
  • As a User I'd like to see list of my monitored Wallets addresses with most recently added at the top
  • As a User I'd like to see details of my Wallets including list of transactions, as well as total balances
  • As a Guest I'd like to see how many non-empty wallets are registered on the site (see welcome screen for non-logged-in user)
  • As a User I'd like to be able to toggle between ETH and PLN currency on list of transactions

Other Requirements:


  • What will happen in case of one external APIs going down
  • Do we need to limit external API calls

How to run this thing

  • This application is written in Ruby on Rails with a 2.5.1 Ruby version and 5.2.1. You need to install corresponding Ruby and Rails versions using version manager of your choosing
--- install ruby 2.5.1 and rails 5.2.1 ---
  • Run gems installation
bundle install
  • Create database
bundle exec rake db:setup
  • Run server
bundle exec rails server
  • To run tests
bundle exec rspec