Tierlisting.app is a clean and minimal webapp to create tierlists.
Try it live: tierlisting.app
- Make a tierlist
- nothing else
This is a simpler take on creating a tierlist. No account creation, no linking to social media, no setup proccess. Just click, add items to your stash and start ranking already.
Just like anyone else, this application also want's to go to the moon.
There are lot's to do:
- Testing
- Sync/save/share cappabilities
- Tierlist layout variations
- UI/UX refinements
- Multiplatforming
- Improving theming and customization options
...and more, you are invited to suggest.
Please head to the Project board to see what is being done.
Let's say you just got here and needs a basic overview to begin contributing, so here it is:
This is a static webapp and does not have/need a backend service. Interface is built purely with NextJS and Typescript. Drag and drop behavior with react-beautiful-dnd. State management with zustand.
App icons: FeatherIcons