Framework aims to be simple with the minimum required tools. Source code is 99% documented in english but as you can see, there is no generated php-doc. I'll try to upload it later. Original documentation is in Spanish. Below is a simplified english translation. I hope you can understand the basics :)
- Based on MVC pattern, fully compatible with PHP 5.3 E_STRICT.
- Automatic friendly URL'S routing.
- Easy configuration files per domain. App config is managed by the Config class preventing global variables and constants.
- Localization/internationalization support: automatic URL redirection based on language or country, super-easy native translation system better than Poedit!
- Databse access abstraction layer (currently MySQL implemented based on mysqli lib)
- Excelent error/exception handling, support for Firebug/ChromePHP logging. Logger class also supports database, file and email logging. Does not show HTML when executed from the command line!
- Intelligent Document class that allows creating (X)HTML(5) documents dynamically adding files. Supports static file loading using subdomains.
- Event support.
The framework uses the same language conventions as Java/Javascript. CamelCased classes, methods and variables. Private and protected properties/methods start with an underscore.
/ application cache classes config controllers functions i18n locale logs models scripts views bootstrap.php (framework initialization) public (Document Root: name and structure of this folder can change) scripts styles images .htaccess index.php static.php (static file loading optimization)
The framework works strictly with friendly URL's. The route represents a module/controller/action and additional parameters. A controller is a class extending from "Controller" and an action is a method of that class. Modules are simply folders inside the controller directory and allows you to group controllers. You can create any number of modules recursively.
- ==
- Named params like "param:value" are allowed. (Deprecated)
- Named params are not taken into account when building up the route. Those can be accesed using the getParam() method of the Request Class.
- Params that determine the controller or action are case insensitive. Those are automatically formatted to use framework conventions. You can instead use compound words separated by dashes or underscores. Eg: "manage-periods" will be translated into "ManagePeriods".
- Default controllers per module are declared in the config file "core.php". those names must denote a valid class name.
- Preferably, URL's should be lowercase.
- In example 5: when he action is a number, the default action gets called by passing that number as the first argument.
- In example 6: using the previous example, you can override the controller's method "actionError", which gets called when a non-existent action is requested and perform a custom action.
- In example 7, which is similar as the previous example, you can override method "controllerError" in the default controller for the detected module to take a custom action when a non-existent controller is reuested. By default, a redirection to the default controller is performed.
- Controllers and actions starting with an underscore are not allowed!
- You can define URL aliases in the config file "routes.php"
- You define an array where keys are regular expressions and values their replacement.
- The requested route will be searched for aliases and the replacement will be applied. The result will be used to determine module/controller/action.
App config is divided into files under the application/config folder. Each one returns an associative array. You can have specific config files per domain by creating a folder with its full or partial name inside the config folder. You then access config values easily with the "Config" class, which implements the ArrayAccess interface. To acces a config value, you prepend the file name before the key. Eg:
// to access the value "domain" within the core.php config file $config = Config::getInstance(); $config->get("core.domain"); // or.. $config['core.domain'];
- DEBUG_MODE: Shows detailed info about an error/exception when possible. Also enabled Firebug and ChromePHP.
- IN_PRODUCTION: If this is true, error and exception information is never sent to the browser. If DEBUG_MODE is enabled you can still view errors in the browser console using Firebug or ChromePHP.
- APPLICATION_DIR: Absolute path to "application" directory.
- FRAMEWORK_DIR: "Absolute path to framework directory.