This is the second game for my portfolio. It's a classic Snake game with a few extra functions, such as menus, score tables, company with 5 levels, and graphics presets.
Arrow up -> Move cursor to upper item
Arrow down -> Move cursor to lower item
Arrow left -> Swipe left tutorial guide
Arrow right -> Swipe right tutorial guide
Enter -> Select item
Escape -> Go to the main menu / Quit the game
Arrow up -> Move snake up
Arrow down -> Move snake down
Arrow left -> Move snake left
Arrow right -> Move snake right
Escape -> Go to the main menu
When you start the game, you'll see two start logos (my "company" logo and the game logo). You can skip them by clicking any key. Then you'll see the main menu. The game has two modes: classic and company. Classic - you play until you hit your part, and you can go through the walls. The company has 5 levels, and to pass every one of them, you need to collect 10 apples. You can't go through the walls so be aware!
NOTE: I need to have installed Visual Studio 2022, which supports C++17 standard. Google how to do it.
Open the project's folder in File Explorer and move all files from the archive into it.
To make all those files visible in your project, click the button "Show all files" in Solution Explorer.
Let's change the project's standard to C++17. Go to the project's properties. Select "All Configurations" and "All Platforms". In "Configuration Properties" go to the tab "General", find "C++ Language Standard" and select "ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17"
That's it! Press "Apply". To compile & launch the game, press "Ctrl + F5".