WordPress Project Template

Repository to kickstart a new WordPress project.

Development flow

Following DSLK-flavored Git flow, you branch out of development branch into feature branches, then submit PRs from them into development. Once PRs are merged into development, you sync with it and branch out again. master is updated from development branch with a PR before a production deployment. Direct pushes into master and development are forbidden by repository policy.

Files protected from changes (to be edited by DevOps team only):

  • .drone.yml - contains current pipelines to build and deploy different environments (development, QA, production)
  • Dockerfile - Docker build recipe
  • docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.local.yml (these are deployment manifests used for all the environments)

Development deployments

Submitting a PR to development triggers CI build to check the project. Merging a PR into development triggers a pipeline that builds new image and updates development environment at https://<projectname>.dsstaging1.com so you can see your changes right away.

QA deployments

Development environment can be cloned as QA environment by deploying any successful development build from Drone CI interface: click Deploy button, type qa into Target field and hit Deploy. QA environment will be available at https://<projectname>qa.dsstaging1.com when the deployment is finished.

Pro tip: during subsequent deployments, you can set WIPE_DB parameter to true to recreate QA DB from development one.

Local setup


Create .env file in the root of the repository, fill these variables:


Copy docker-compose.local.yml into docker-compose.override.yml:

cp docker-compose.local.yml docker-compose.override.yml

Start your local stack:

docker-compose up --build -d

Your WordPress instance will be available at http://localhost:8080 (you can edit your docker-compose.override.yml to your preference).

To destroy the setup, run docker-compose down --volumes - note, this will remove your local database!

Pro Tip: you can configure PHP-FPM and Nginx with environment variables in your docker-compose.override.yml, see the docs of the corresponding Docker images:

Adding submodules from another repository

If you want to replicate a list of submodules from another repository without running same commands all over again, use add-submodules.sh script. Copy .gitmodules file from another repo, then run the script (Windows users, you can use Git Bash, it works there):
