With this code you can get;
- instagram posts from specified locations
- tweets from specified locations
- tweets from specified people
- Download the code and add it to your parse.com backend code.
- Play around with instagram api and see what you can do
- Get authentication data from instagram: We will need access_token & initialize
- Get the locations you want from instagram. This guide shows you how you can get them. Add as many instagram locations as you want to the "instagramLocations" array in file "background_jobs.js" in function "startBackgroundJob"
- Add your access_token & initialize strings in file "background_jobs.js" in function "getInstagramPostsFromLocation"
- Play around with the code
- Download the code and add it to your parse.com backend code.
- Play around with twitter api and see what you can do
- Get authentication data from twitter: We will need consumerSecret, tokenSecret, oauth_consumer_key, oauth_token
- If you want tweets from specified people get their screen names and add them to your code in functions "startBackgroundJob" and "getTweetsFrom". Our dummy screen names are elonmusk & boredelonmusk so it'll be easier to find.
- Add your consumerSecret, tokenSecret, oauth_consumer_key, oauth_token in file "background_jobs.js" in function "getTweetsFrom" for specified people & getTweetsFromLocation for locations
- Play around with the code
- Make sure to read twitter & instagram api rules.
- Thanks to: https://github.com/sreejithbnaick/Twitter-OAuth-1.1-Signature-Generator-js