
Web-tool for distributed command game organization.

Primary LanguagePython


Web-tool for distributed command game organization.


  • One of: python3.4 python3.3 python2.6
  • zc.buildout (?)
  • libpq-dev
  • python3-dev (python-dev)
  • build-essential (make, g++)
  • pillow debian dependences
  • sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
    libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev python-tk
  • less compiler (node.js + less)


  • git clone repo-url
  • Add src/core/local_settings.py file. Add SECRET_KEY variable there, at least.
  • Create the database.
  • python bootstrap.py
  • chmod a+x test.sh
  • bin/buildout
  • Create link to the less compiler
  • chmod u+x ~/.npm/less/x.x.x/package/bin/lessc (maybe, a+x)
  • ln -s ~/.npm/less/x.x.x/package/bin/lessc ./lessc
  • Collect application static files.
  • bin/manage collectstatic
  • ln -s ../../app_static/facebook/ src/core/media/
  • ln -s ../../app_static/admin/ src/core/media/

Running site:

  • django development server

  • bin/manage runserver --nostatic (use --nostatic param to avoid 404 error on path clashes)

  • nginx

  • sudo cp deployment/nginx-site /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx-file-for-site

  • Replace server_name, error_log, proxy_pass, root with paths and urls.

  • sudo ln -s ../sites-available/nginx-file-for-site /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx-file-for-site

  • sudo cp deployment/proxy_params /etc/nginx/proxy_params

  • Restart nginx.

  • apache2

  • install apache2-(prefork|threaded)-dev

  • install or build python with option --enable-shared if you haven't done it yet

  • install or build mod_wsgi for selected python version

  • run /sbin/ldconfig if libpython...so... is not found

  • Here is complete instruction of how to fix UnicodeError on file upload. http://itekblog.com/ascii-codec-cant-encode-characters-in-position/ It was enough to add export LANG='be_BY.UTF-8', LC_ALL the same in /etc/apache2/envvars

After site started:

  • Enable social authentication:
  • Create record with social application data for each provider at /admin/socialaccount/socialapp/