
This repository is the location API of Marketinf.


API Routes

GET: /countries - Returns the list of all available country codes as an array GET: /countries/:code - Returns the geographical information of the specified country GET: /countries/:code/:area - Returns the geographical information of the specified area in the specified country



  • Git
  • Node.js and npm Node ^4.2.3, npm ^2.14.7
  • Ruby and then gem install sass
  • Grunt (npm install --global grunt-cli)
  • MongoDB - Keep a running daemon with mongod
  • [Tor] sudo port install tor


  1. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  2. Run grunt to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Adding new countries to DB

  1. Edit /opt/local/etc/tor/torrc Add line MaxCircuitDirtiness 100

  2. Run tor

  3. Run node ./tool/index.js Türkiye 2 4 6

Script parameters:

  1. Country name in its native language.
  2. Administrative area level of the country.
  3. Administrative area level of the cities.
  4. Administrative area level of the districts.
  • You can check the administrative area names by trying various queries in Overpass API.
  • Go to
  • Find the "Relation" entities and record their "admin_level"'s