
Framework to match custom audio against a custom reference catalog based on ShazamKit

Primary LanguageSwift


Framework to match custom audio against a custom reference catalog based on ShazamKit

Getting Started

This framework simplifies the use of the ShazamKit framework. It abstracts implementation details away from the user and builds ontop ShazamKit to offer more development features.

You can explore a comprehensive documentation on usage by selecting the SoundCatalogKit scheme in Xcode and pressing "Ctrl + Shift + CMD + D" to build documentation. Alternatively, you can explore the bundled docc.archive file in the "SoundCatalogKit/Documentation" directory by dragging the file outside the Xcode file navigator and clicking it to open it. It should open the documentation explorer of Xcode 13 if installed.


  • Xcode 13 and above
  • Swift 5.5 and above


  • Match audio from microphone against a custom catalog.
  • Generate Signature from an audio file
  • Generate a Custom Catalog from an audio file
  • Download and use a shazam signature file saved on a remote source such as Google drive/ iCloud
  • Download and use a custom catalog file saved on a remote source such as Google drive/ iCloud
  • Save a custom catalog file to a specified location
  • Save a signature file to a specified location
  • Generate signature data from microphone An Example App is included to demonstrate some of the ways these features can be used.

Other features considered but not implemented due to time/other restraints

  • Uploading a signature or catalog file to a remote server. This would enable the user share custom catalogs on the fly with other users. Would have implemented this if i had more time.
  • Adding multiple signatures at once to a custom catalog. This wasnt implemented cause i can't predict the threading implications of adding multiple signatures to a custom catalog at once across platforms. Would need more information on how signature addition to catalog is done to come up with the best way to implement this.

Some design compromises

Decided to use async/await instead of closures to enable the download of signature and catalog files from a remote server. I initially wanted to use closures to perform this action so as to not force the learning curve of async/await onto the end developer.

Other Info

There is a shell script in the Resources/Scripts directory. This script will help to build SoundCatalogKit as a Universal xcframework that can be used for multiple platforms at the same time. To run it:

  • Select the SoundCatalogKit target under the project settings
  • Click the Build Settings tab and set Build Binaries for Distribution to YES
  • Build the SoundCatalogKit scheme
  • Finally, select the UniversalFrameworkBuilder scheme, build and run it to generate a folder called UniversalFramework in the root directory of the project. This folder will contain the created xcframework. The script supports universal framework generation for iOS and macOS, TvOS and watchOS can be added to the script by following the same format.