
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes API Documentation


This API provides a secure and scalable way to manage notes, including creating, reading, updating, deleting, sharing, and searching for notes.

Technical Details

  • Framework: Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Rate Limiting: Express-rate-limit middleware
  • Text Indexing: MongoDB text indexes
  • Testing: Jest

Running Basic commands:

  1. Clone the repository:
  • git clone https://github.com/demogit220/notesApi
  1. Move to the project folder:
  • cd notesApi
  1. Install all the packages:
  • npm install
  1. Setup the config file with name .env and paste the below code in .env file and enter your own JWT_SECRET , DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE URI link which you get from mongoDB atlas.
# DATABASE_LOCAL=mongodb://localhost:27017/natours

JWT_SECRET=<secret key for jwt token>

Running On Docker(Efficient way):

  1. Compose the docker file:
  • docker compose up
  1. To stope and remove the container:
  • docker compose down

Running commands locally

  1. Start the project:
  • npm start
  1. For Linting of code:
  • npm lint
  1. To run the tests:
  • npm test



  • POST /api/auth/signup
    • Creates a new user account.
    • Request body:
      • name (string)
      • email (string)
      • password (string)
      • passwordConfirm (string)
    • Response:
      • User object
  • POST /api/auth/login
    • Logs in to an existing user account.
    • Request body:
      • email (string)
      • password (string)
    • Response:
      • Access token (JWT)


  • GET /api/notes
    • Retrieves a list of notes for the authenticated user.
    • Response:
      • Array of note objects
  • GET /api/notes/:id
    • Retrieves a specific note by ID for the authenticated user.
    • Response:
      • Note object
  • POST /api/notes
    • Creates a new note for authenticated user
    • Request body:
      • title (string)
      • data (string)
    • Response:
      • Newly created note object
  • PUT /api/notes/:id
    • Updates an existing note for authenticated user
    • Request body:
      • title (string)
      • data (string)
    • Response:
      • Updated note object
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id
    • Deletes a note by ID for the authenticated user.
    • Response:
      • Success message
  • POST /api/notes/:id/share
    • Shares a note with another user for the authenticated user.
    • Request body:
      • userId (string) - ID of the user to share with
    • Response:
      • Success message
  • GET /api/search?q=:query
    • Searches for notes based on keywords.
    • Response:
      • Array of matching note objects


All note endpoints, except for signup and login, require a valid access token in the Authorization header (e.g., Bearer <token>).

Cookies are used for storing JWT token on client side

Rate Limiting

The API implements rate limiting to prevent excessive requests. Users are limited to a certain number of requests per minute.

Other Features:

  • App features: cors, helmet, mongoSanatize and xss
  • Validations for password confirm
  • Handling uncaught exceptions
  • Error Handling: The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure.


* Implementing a frontend and connecting to api
* Implementing more robust testing
* Implementing jwt refresh tokens


For any questions or issues, please create a issue 🙂