
Experiment with Unitree Go1 robot using docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Experiment with Unitree Go1 robot using docker

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/demokaka/docker_example_unitree_go1.git
cd docker_example_unitree_go1

Build the docker image

docker build -t [name_of_image] .

This command will build an image named [name_of_image]

Configure shell script before running

Before running the docker image to create a docker container, find the following line ros_noetic_go1:1.0.0 and change it to your [name_of_image]. Also find the name tag for the docker container at line

--name=r1_go_v1 \

and change it to --name=[name_of_container] \

Run the docker image

sudo chmod +x run_docker.sh

Start simulation with Gazebo and rviz

Follow this resource for all the simulations

Using docker

  • To enter an already running container run,
    docker exec -it r2_pathplanning_container bash
  • Open a new terminal, then enter into the running container by executing the following command: docker exec -it r2_pathplanning_container bash