
Odin Project Project for practicing test driven development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Odin Project Project for practicing test driven development

There are two boards of 10x10 dimensions, one for the player and one for their opponent. Each player is given 5 ships: a Carrier of length 5, a Battleship of length 4, a Cruiser of length 3, a Submarine of length 3 and Destroyer of length 2. These ships are placed vertically or horizontally on a board. To rotate a piece, right click. Each ship will record its position, the number of hits it has recieved and if it is sunk. The board will record the moves of each player, the position of the ships, the hits and the misses. The gameboard will also report if all of the ships have been sunk or not. Opponent pieces will be placed at random.

Live link: https://demolnau.github.io/Battleship/