Keskin API

This repository contains the Keskin GraphQL API.


This API connects to Prisma Server and Prisma Server is connected to Postgres Database

Api > Prisma > Postgres

Local Setup

1. Install Prisma Version 1 Cli

npm install -g prisma1

2. Install Go Version 1.13

go get
go1.13 download
go1.13 get
go1.13 generate


You can install Go Version Manager

bash < <(curl -s -S -L

gvm install go1.13
gvm use go1.13 --default

3. Set up database & deploy Prisma datamodel

Start the prisma server and the database using docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

4. Generate Code With Wire and Prisma

After you made changes to prisma or graphql schema files, just generate the files:

go generate # This actually runs below commands along with gqlgen you can look at main.go for other commands
prisma1 generate # This will generate Prisma Client
prisma1 deploy # This will migrate database to postgres using Prisma Server

If for prisam1 deploy fails then you can change the endpoint with env PRISMA_HOST and APP_NAMESPACE to the hard coded ones in the prisma > prisma.yml file.

For Seeding you can run

prisma1 seed # This will run the main function in `seed > seed.go as configured in prisma.yml`

5. Start the GraphQL server

go run ./server

Navigate to http://localhost:4000 in your browser to explore the API of your GraphQL server in a GraphQL Playground.