- cached / in-memory, non-persistant
- uses a b-tree map to store data ordered by keys
- same type for all database values
- simple password authentication
- custom socket protocol for communication (CASP: Cashew Socket Protocol)
- graceful shutdown
- concurrent client handling
cd ./cachew/
cargo build --release
To start the CachewDB server you have to run cargo run
or the binary ./target/release/cachew
. You also have to specify the following arguments either with command line flags or using environment variables:
flag | short | description | ENV |
--db-type | -t | Sets the data type (check possible types in the "Types" section). | CACHEW_DB_TYPE |
--password | -p | Sets the password for the database (must have at least: 1 upper-, 1 lowercase letter, 1 special char., >= 8 chars.). | CACHEW_DB_PASSWORD |
--host | n/a | The host address the server will be running on (optional, default: ). |
--db-type | n/a | The port the server will be accessible on (optional, default: 8080 ). |
- Using flags to set the db-type and password.
cargo run --release -- -t STR -p Password123# # host will default to and port to 8080
- Using ENV variables to specify all arguments:
export CACHEW_DB_TYPE="STR" export CACHEW_DB_PASSWORD="Password123#" export CACHEW_DB_HOST="" export CACHEW_DB_PORT="2345" cargo run --release
cd ./cli-client/
cargo build --release
To start the CachewDB CLI client you have to run cargo run
or the binary ./target/release/cli-client
. You have to specify the following arguments with command line flags:
flag | description |
--host | Sets host remote address of the CacheDB server. |
--port | Sets the remote port of the CachewDB server. |
--password | Sets the password needed for authenticating on the CachewDB server. |
cargo run --release -- --host --port 8080 --password Password123#
command | description | example |
AUTH {password} | Authentication for a CachewDB instance. | AUTH mypwd123 |
SET {key} {value} | Insert new key value pair. | SET myKey "myValue" |
SET MANY {key} {value}, {key} {value} | Bulk insert multiple key value pairs. | SET MANY key1 "value 1", key2 "value 2" |
GET {key} | Get value from key. | GET myKey |
GET MANY {key} {key} ... | Get multiple values from their keys. | GET MANY key1 key2 key3 |
GET RANGE {lower-key} {upper-key} | Get values from a range of keys. | GET RANGE aKey zKey |
DEL {key} | Delete key value pair. | DEL myKey |
DEL MANY {key} {key} ... | Delete multiple key value pairs. | DEL MANY key1 key2 key3 |
DEL RANGE {lower-key} {upper-key} | Delete a range of key value pairs. | DEL RANGE aKey zKey |
CLEAR | Removes all entries in the database. | CLEAR |
LEN | Returns the amount of entries in the database. | LEN |
EXISTS {key} | Returns a bool signaling if a key exists in the database. | EXSITS key |
PING | Answers with "PONG" (used to check if the server is running). | PING |
SHUTDOWN | Gracefully shutdowns the database. | PING |
A key can consist of every character with two exepctions:
- If a key should contain a space, comma (
) or slash (/
) it must be encapsuled by quotes ("
). - If a key should contain quotes, the quotes must be escaped by adding a backslash before them (
These restrictions exist to make parsing requests and responses easier.
"my key / 1,2"
id 5ffh26a
Supported types are:
type | description |
STR | Simple string (must be encapsulated with " and double quotes inside must me escaped like this: \" ). |
INT | 32 bit signed integer. |
FLOAT | 32 bit float. |
BOOL | Either true or false . |
JSON | Behaves the same as strings (must be encapsulated with " and double quotes inside must me escaped like this: \" ). |
For the specification of the custom protocol used for communicating with a CachewDB instance check this document: CASP_SPECIFICATION.md
- add graceful shutdown
- add command line flag handler
- built CLI client
- add persistance
- add INCR/DECR commands for INT type