In this series with RA365, we will cover
- Python as interpreted Language
- Python data types
- Python objects and variables
- Python operators; arithmetic(unary and binary), relational and logical
- Statement in python (assignment and augmented)
- Conditional construct(if, if-else, if-elif-else) , conditional expression
- Structures and features of tuples, list, set and dictionary
- Common methods of the above data structures
- Iterating items in data structure using for-loop
- Switching Data structures
- List comprehension
- Searching in data structures
- Using zip, enumerate, map and sorted methods
- Python function signature and definition
- function parameter , argument, return statement, calling function
- args and kwargs in function
- Anonymous function; lambda expression
- Class signature
- Initialization of parameters in class
- Class Instantiation
- User defined Methods and special method(repr) in a class
- Dot operator to reference methods of a class
- Inheritance in python OOP (super keywords)
- Using the open() methods to read text file
- File flags, read, readline method
- Using with statement
- Operating system modules
- Reading csv,json, compressed files
- Serialization with pickle
- Import statement
- try, except , finally block for exception handling
- raise statement
- collections