Introduction to python programming

In this series with RA365, we will cover

Understanding python programming language

  1. Python as interpreted Language
  2. Python data types
  3. Python objects and variables
  4. Python operators; arithmetic(unary and binary), relational and logical
  5. Statement in python (assignment and augmented)
  6. Conditional construct(if, if-else, if-elif-else) , conditional expression

Iterable and data structures

  1. Structures and features of tuples, list, set and dictionary
  2. Common methods of the above data structures
  3. Iterating items in data structure using for-loop
  4. Switching Data structures
  5. List comprehension
  6. Searching in data structures
  7. Using zip, enumerate, map and sorted methods

Functions or method definition

  1. Python function signature and definition
  2. function parameter , argument, return statement, calling function
  3. args and kwargs in function
  4. Anonymous function; lambda expression

Object Oriented Programming in python

  1. Class signature
  2. Initialization of parameters in class
  3. Class Instantiation
  4. User defined Methods and special method(repr) in a class
  5. Dot operator to reference methods of a class
  6. Inheritance in python OOP (super keywords)

Python File handling

  1. Using the open() methods to read text file
  2. File flags, read, readline method
  3. Using with statement
  4. Operating system modules
  5. Reading csv,json, compressed files
  6. Serialization with pickle

More Python built in

  1. Import statement
  2. try, except , finally block for exception handling
  3. raise statement
  4. collections