
Tool to manage a monorepo, where projects can be general projects (code language, build and test management...).

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a python3 package which can be installed from git using pip3.


The requirements.txt file contains the python3 dependencies: requests, GitPython and PyYAML. The file requirements_dev.txt contains the extra dependencies for tests: pytest and flake8.


We recommend to install the package in a virtual environment. However, it can be installed as well in your system or user python installation. In any case, use pip3:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/demosense/demorepo.git

Running unit tests

In the src folder (where the setup.cgf is placed) run:

python3 -m pytest -v .

Note: Remember to install the requirements_dev.txt dependencies.


It is used as a CLI tool. It has been implemented using argparser. The help option (-h) will always print useful information for commands and subcommands. To run a command just run the demorepo module like this:

python3 -m demorepo [command] [options]


There are four commands which can be used:

  • init: Not implemented yet. Will be used to create the demorepo config.yml file, which will include the metadata about the demorepo.
  • info: Used to print the metadata stored in the config.yml file. Right now it is created manually, but will be handled by the demorepo tool.
  • run: Used to run scripts related to stages in demorepo.yml files placed in individual project folders.
  • integration: Not implemented yet. Will be used to run integration tests.


Not implemented yet


python3 -m demorepo init {section} {field}

Get the field (parameter flags, i.e.: -v to get the version) information stored in the section, where available sections are:

  • demorepo: Information about the demorepo. Available fields are:
    • -v: The version of the demorepo.
  • ci-tool:
    • -n / --name: The ci-tool name.
    • -u / --url: The url of the ci-tool.
  • projects:
    • -p / --path: The path to the projects folder, where projects are located in.
    • -o / --order: Dependency order of the projects to run the stages. Not specified projects have no dependencies.

An example of config.yml:

    version: 1.0.0

    name: gitlab
    url: https://gitlab.com
    path: projects
        - p3
        - p2


python3 -m demorepo run {options}

Run the stage script (right now only one script per stage is allowd) for each target project. The target projects are selected by the option -t or --all-targets. Otherwise, the ci-tool will be used to get the last green commit and select the target projects those which have been modified from such commit.

Each project must include a demorepo.yml file (otherwise it is not considered a project by the CLI tool). The structure of this file is stage: shell command (we recommend the shell command to be a path to an executable script). An example of demorepo.yml file is as follows:

    script: ./test.sh 

    script: ./deploy.sh $my_var1 $my_var2

The options of the run command are:


  • -s / --stage [STAGE]: The stage to run the commands from demorepo.yml.
  • -p / --path [PATH]: The path to the projects folder.


  • -r / --recursive: Detect inter-project dependencies and, if one project is selected as target, all the projects which depends on such project will be considered as targets too. Only implemented for python projects.
  • -t / --targets: A list of target project names, separated by commas. It is recommended to wrap it in double quotes (mandatory if there are blank spaces in the string)
  • --all-targets: If this flag is present, all the projects will be selected as targets.
  • --ci-tool: if -t and --all-targets are not used, the ci-tool will be used to select the target projects. This parameter is the name of the ci-tool to be used. Right now it is only implemented for gitlab. gitlab is the default value.
  • --ci-url: The url for the ci-tool to be used.


Not implemented yet