
MySQL like Event Scheduler, but for Cloudflare D1 using Durable Objects

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


MySQL like Event Scheduler, but for Cloudflare D1

For status on the project see Projects tab at the top of the repo.


  • Every scheduled event is stored as a DO object and is triggered using DO's Alarms API
  • Supports 1 time and recurring events with optional end date and self delete on completion
  • Supports SQL's interval syntax or cron syntax
  • Auto batch transactions all SQL statements in a single event
  • Each SQL statement can provide variable storage and binds/escapes at runtime
    • Coming soon: Optionally support online fetching of variable
  • Each event interacts with D1 over bindings
    • Coming soon: Support HTTP Rest D1 interaction
  • A main DO object for keeping track of all events
  • All management of events is done via GraphQL (with GraphiQL enabled)/REST API (Swagger documented)


  • One or more D1 instances to manage
  • Workers Paid plan


Durable Objects are only available on the Workers Paid plan. https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/platform/pricing/#durable-objects

Getting Started

  1. Clone
  2. Setup D1 binding(s) in wrangler.toml
  3. Uncomment route and set custom domain accordingly > [!WARNING]


This has no inherent auth so do not use workers_dev without middleware auth or custom_domain without being behind a auth proxy or middleware auth.


You can use Cloudflare Zero Trust by setting a custom_domain and creating a Self-hosted application on that domain. This can be done completely on the ZT Free plan


An alternative is to embed your own custom authentication as a middleware (this project uses hono) See @todo comment in index.ts

  1. Deploy via Wrangler
  2. Use GraphQL or REST apis to create, view, edit, or delete events
Service Route
GraphQL /graphql
Swagger Docs /docs
OpenAPI Schema /docs/openapi.json

Internal nerd stuff

  • REST is auto generated with sofa-api from GraphQL schemas
    • REST API is still subject to the same GraphQL schema and validation
  • GraphQL is setup to support @defer (useful if you have a long list of DO events)
  • GraphQL and REST are both behind hono.
  • Each DO fetch handler is behind hono
  • Internal DO fetch handler runs on https://d1.event/:id? url scheme
    • Main DO object responds on / while every event DO responds on /:id
  • The API has csrf, cors, secureHeaders, etag, and timing enabled
    • Coming soon: The duration of all internal tasks will be reported via timing header (visible in Network tools of browser)