#### Rails Crud Assessment

  • There will be three parts to this.

  • Rails/View stories

  • Capybara testing.

  • Developer Workflow / Git.

  • Don’t worry about bootstrap or CSS.

  • Rails new your-name-week7 –database postgresql

  • Once again, don’t worry about bootstrap or CSS.

  • Remember to not worry about bootstrap or css.

  • Seriously stop thinking about adding boostrap…

  • GL, HF

###### Github

  • Initialize a github repo

  • Create a github repository called your-name-week7 on github.

  • Push all commits here.

  • Remember to commit clearly and frequently.

###### Data Model

  • We are setting up a School.

  • The models are Courses and Users.


  • Users have

    • user_name, string.

    • password_digest, string.

    • about, string.

  • Courses have

    • title, string.

    • day/night, boolean. (it either happens as a night class or day class)


###### Rails View Stories

Application layout should have login link if no current user and logout link if there is a current user.


  1. Crud Users

- Show Page
- New page
- Edit Page
- Index page showing all users

Remember to add validations so Users can not have the same user_name

  1. Authentication for Users

    - login page


Login page:

“‘ user_name: password: Login


Courses Index Page “‘ Title | day or night statistics 101 | Day | Delete Course programming 101 | Night | Delete Course


Courses Show Page

“‘ Title: title Day or Night: night Year: Freshman

“‘ ###### Capybara Stories

User Authentication “‘ Test valid users can log in.


Courses Crud “‘ Test that users can CRUD courses.
