Create a branch for your work.
bundle exec rake db:setup
git checkout -b sage-scribe
rails s
Your challenges, should you choose to accept them:
Redirecting to login
When a non-logged-in user visits /clubs
Or visits /students
Then they should be redirected to the login page
Blocking access
When a logged in user tries to see a club
And they don't participate in that club
Then they should see the public/403 page
And the http status should be 403
Writing Controller Specs
Create a controller spec for clubs_controller
Write a `describe` block for the show page
Write an `it` block for being able to see a club you participate in
Write an `it` block for seeing the 403 page for a club you do _not_ participate in
Hiding UI elements
When a non-logged in user visits the homepage
Then they should not see the "My Peeps" or "My Clubs" links
Filtering Rows
When a logged in user goes to /clubs
Then they should only see the clubs they are members of