
My project is based on Sandy Noble's super polargraph.co.uk project

This Polargraph server version is connected to the fantastic GCODE converter of Scott-Cooper!


My Polargraph server works WITHOUT Polarshield touchscreen, only with standard components! Arduino Mega standard LCD 4x20 1 x Rotary Encoder 4 x pushbutton

1 x Datalogger Shield with SD card. Modified for MEGA pinout!!! UNO ----> MEGA A4,A5 --> Pin 20,21 (SCL,SDA) 11,12,13-->50,51,52 (SPI bus)

2 x PicoDrive Stepper driver modul

Extended GCODE command set. Drawing directly from SD card or from PC with Sandy Noble's Controller. https://github.com/euphy/polargraphcontroller //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

This Polargraph server is connected with the fantastic GCODE converter of Scott-Cooper! Original version: https://github.com/Scott-Cooper/Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2 Adapted for Polargraph queue format: https://github.com/gpeter62/Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2



Polargraph is the name of the project, and is a portmanteau word invented by the writer solely for this purpose. Any machine that runs the Polargraph software is technically a polargraph machine. I usually reserve the big-P "Polargraph" for things made by The Polargraph Company, including the Polargraph software and PolargraphSD machine.

Other hanging-v plotters are probably compatible with Polargraph software, but unless they run it, they are not even polargraphs with a small P.

Project and software written by Sandy Noble.

Released under GNU License version 3.
