
Sarah theme for Hugo static site generator

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Sarah theme for Hugo static site generator.

Why Sarah? It is a possible name when I have a child (girl)


Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone https://github.com/avelino/hugo-theme-sarah.git

For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.


Node version 10 nvm use $(cat .node-version)

Build SCSS

npm i
gulp build




key description
author Author name
keywords Keywords list
description Site description with up to 160 characters, used on the initial page for indexing in search engines (SEO)
avatar Author picture
dateform Date format (read more)
lang Language that the main content will be written
footertext Text at the end of the page (All rights reserved)
googleAnalytics Google Analytics ID
aboutFile Set markdow file, show on homepage
about Author text, show on homepage


key description
linkedin Account name
twitter Account name
github Account name
googleplus Account name
facebook Account name


key description
label Label
value Valeu
link Hyperlink


If not set this config, layout read by content/projects/<FILE-NAME>.md, ex: https://github.com/avelino/avelino.run/tree/master/content/projects

key description
name Project name
desc Project description
img Image path (starting static/)
link Hyperlink


Show example in exampleSite

baseURL = "http://avelino.xxx/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Avelino"
theme = "sarah"

fixed = ":title/"
blog  = ":slug"

author = "Avelino"
keywords = ["Golang (Gopher)", "Neural Network", "Artificial Intelligence"]
description = "I use open source to help people evolve, I take pleasure in seeing people evolve"
avatar = "img/black-250.png"
dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
lang = "en"
footertext = "written by avelino"
googleAnalytics = "UA-3063031-15"
aboutFile = "about.md"
about = """
I’m a currently a Chief Technology Officer (and founder) at [Nuveo](https://nuveo.ai/) (**Artificial Intelligence** within reach) and mathematician formed at [IME-USP](https://www.ime.usp.br/).

Work day-to-day with **artificial intelligence, neural network and computer vision**. With the need to process large dataset its focus of research and development include **distributed systems, competition, Lisp, Golang and Python**.

linkedin      = "avelino0"
twitter       = "avelino0"
github        = "avelino"

label = "Address"
value = "Brazil, São Paulo, SP"

name = "Vim Bootstrap"
desc = "A generator which provides a simple method of generating a .vimrc configuration for vim"
img = "img/vimbootstrap.png"
link = "https://vim-bootstrap.com/"

name = "Awesome Go"
desc = "A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software"
img = "img/awesomego.png"
link = "https://awesome-go.com/"


name example
Speaker Deck {{< speakerdeck 9951aee0382e0132d1604297f98471b0 >}}
Slide Share {{< slideshare 2DLd4OvBUeGT2M >}}
scribd {{< scribd 439578708 >}}
Google Maps {{< googlemaps 1vmr0dHs0fWQ0Q6w_va_G2BYbcCfFsprM >}}
GitHub Repo {{< github 'avelino/awesome-go' >}}







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