
React Component to lazy load images. With smooth transition between loading states

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... React Component to lazy load images.

Edit loadable-image


npm i loadable-image

Or via yarn

yarn add loadable-image

Usage examples

<AsyncImage /> accepts all props of <img /> tag.

import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}

Custom Loader/Error

You can pass your own loader and error components as props to AsyncImage component.

import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}
  loader={<div style={{ background: '#888' }}/>}
  error={<div style={{ background: '#eee' }}/>}

Modern formats (WebP, Avif) with fallback

Since under the hood <AsyncImage /> is just a picture element. You can pass an array of different Sources as a prop. And browser will pick the first one that it supports.

import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
      { type:"image/avif",  srcSet:"./image.avif" }, 
      { type:"image/webp",  srcSet:"./image.webp" } 
  style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}

Responsive image

To make image responsive you can use aspectRatio property in style prop. This way you can specify only width or height as 100% and the other one as auto. Note that if you support older browsers you might need to use aspectRatio padding-hack.

import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: "100%", height: "auto", aspectRatio: 16 / 9 }}

Custom Transitions

Under the hood AsyncImage uses transitions-kit library it's a collection Transition components built on top of react-transition-group its a small library maintained by React team for animating between different views. You can pass your own Transition as a prop to AsyncImage component.

Fade transition

By default AsyncImage uses Fade transition.

import { Fade } from 'transitions-kit'
import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}
  loader={<div style={{ background: '#888' }}/>}

Blur transition

Here is how you can use Blur transition and specify custom radius of the blur.

import { Blur } from 'transitions-kit'
import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}
  Transition={props => <Blur radius={10} {...props}/>}
  loader={<div style={{ background: '#888' }}/>}

Other transitions

There are plenty different already predefined Transition components such as Grow, Zoom, Slide, Blur, Fade etc. in transitions-kit. Feel free to try any of them.

import { Grow } from 'transitions-kit'
import { AsyncImage } from 'loadable-image'
  style={{ width: 150, height: 150 }}
  loader={<div style={{ background: '#888' }}/>}


<AsyncImage /> accepts all standard props for HtmlImageElement and the following:

Property Type Description
className String NOTE: CSS from style object has a higher priority
style CSSProperties CSSStyleDeclaration object
rootMargin string by default: '600px 0px' Margin around the root. Specifies when to trigger an image download.
loader ReactElement React element to display a loading state.
error ReactElement React element to display an error state.
sources Array<SourceProps> An array of options for <source /> element.
Transition ComponentType<TransitionProps> Custom Transition component. Check out transitions-kit's predefined components

Requirements for loader & error props:

  • Forward the ref: The transition components require the first child element to forward its ref to the DOM node. This is usually done with React.forwardRef.
  • Single element: The transition components require only one child element (React.Fragment is not allowed).