
For CMU 17703 Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, and Applications final project on alt coin traceability

Primary LanguageJava


Please see our write-up, Alt-Coin Traceability for more details. This project was done as part of the final project for CMU's 17703/19733 Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, and Applications class.

Prerequisites for running code in this repo

Setting up Monero Blockchain Explorer

Use the Monero client to sync the Monero blockchain on your machine. Then follow the instructions at onion-monero-blockchain-explorer to build and run it.

When starting the blockchain explorer, make sure to enable the JSON API and mixin details:

./xmrblocks --enable-json-api --enable-mixin-details=1 -b /path/to/monero/blockchain/data/lmdb/

Data and scripts overview

Most of the large generated data files (except InputKeysAll, which exceeds GitHub's 2 GB Git LFS file size limit) are checked in to this repo using Git LFS. To skip downloading the data files when cloning the repo, use

GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone git@github.com:erwa/monero-tracing.git

To generate InputKeysAll, run

java GetAllInputKeys TxHashesAll > InputKeysAll

The generated data looks at blocks 0 through 2077094.

A brief description of the main files is given below.

Common Files

  • TxHashesAll - a list of all the transaction hashes for the blocks analyzed. Generated using GetAllTxs.java. In the following descriptions, txId is an index that maps to line number (txId - 1) of this file.

  • InputKeysAll - a list of all the transaction output (TXO) public keys used as inputs in the above transactions. Generated using GetAllInputKeys.java. In the following descriptions, keyId is an index that maps to line number (keyId - 1) of this file.

  • TxInputsAll - each line is "txId inputIdx keyId1 keyId2 ...", where inputIdx is the inputIdxth input (0-indexed) of the transaction. We use inputIdx to mean the same thing in the following descriptions. Generated using GetTxInputs.java.

  • Utils.java - utilities for loading and getting info about transactions and inputs and converting between hashes and integer ids.

Zero-Mixin Chain Analysis

  • TracedInputsAllWithKeys - This file lists fully-deduced inputs (anonymity set reduced to 1). Each line has the format txId inputIdx keyId, where keyId is the deduced real input. Generated using TraceTxs.java.

  • InputsReduced - same format as TxInputsAll, after running zero-mixin chain analysis and removing spent outputs. Generated using TraceTxsReduceAnonSet.java.

  • InputsReducedX - same as InputsReduced, after simulating a breach of fraction X of remaining non-fully-deduced inputs (those inputs for which the anonymity set is still larger than 1). Generated using TraceTxsSimBreach.java.

  • AnonSetSizes - for inputs with 0 to 10 mixins, the number of such inputs with anonymity set sizes of 1 through (numMixins + 1). Generated using ParseAnonSetData.java.

  • AnonSetSizesX - same as AnonSetSizes, except after simulating a breach of a fraction X of non-fully-deduced inputs. Generated using ParseAnonSetDataWith0.java.

  • TxTsAll - each line is the timestamp in seconds since epoch when the transaction on the corresponding line of TxHashesAll occurred. Generated using GetTxTimestamps.java.

  • TxDatesAll - each line is the date (yyyy-mm-dd) when the transaction on the corresponding line of TxHashesAll occurred. Generated using get_tx_dates.py.

  • FullyTracedTxs - list of txIds of fully-traced transactions (all inputs deducible). Generated using GetFullyTracedTxs.java.

  • DayFullyTraced.tsv - each line is yyyy-mm-dd <fraction_of_txns_fully_traced>. Generated using GetFullyTracedByDay.java.

  • PartiallyTracedTxs - list of txIds of partially-traced transactions (at least one input was deducible). Generated using GetPartiallyTracedTxs.java.

  • DayPartiallyTraced.tsv - each line is yyyy-mm-dd <fraction_of_txns_partially_traced> (partially traced means at least one of the inputs was deducible). Generated using GetPartiallyTracedByDay.java.

  • ZeroMixinTxns - list of txIds of transactions with 0 mixins. Generated using GetZeroMixinTxns.java.

  • DayZeroMixins.tsv - each line is yyyy-mm-dd <fraction_of_txns_with_zero_mixins>. Generated using GetZeroMixinsByDay.java.

Guess-Newest Heuristic

Merging Outputs Heuristic

  • TxOutputsRingCTAll - each line is txHash txo1,txo2,... where txHash is the transaction hash and each txo is a transaction output public key hash. This file only includes transactions after the start of RingCT (from 201701 onward) that have at least two outputs. Generated using GetTxOutputs.java.

  • FindSrcDestTxs.java reads TxOutputsRingCTAll and is used to output candidate source-destination transaction pairs, after filtering out S1, S3, and S4 from section 5.2 of the paper "A Traceability Analysis of Monero's Blockchain" by Kumar et al. It also filters out an additional "S5", which is the case where different source-destination pairs overlap in the destination inputs. The output format is srcTxHash dstTxHash txo1,txo2,... where srcTxHash is the source transaction hash, dstTxHash is the destination transaction hash, and each txo is a transaction output public key hash.

  • filter_src_dst_txs.py is then applied on the output of FindSrcDestTxs.java and filters out S2 from the Kumar et al. paper. The output format is the same as that of FindSrcDestTxs.java.

  • GetSrcDstTxTypes.java consumes the output of filter_src_dst_txs.py and outputs the source and destination transaction types. The output format is srcType dstType, where 1 means a non-confidential transaction (all inputs and outputs known), 2 means a semi-confidential transaction (where some inputs are known but outputs are hidden), and 3 is a confidential transaction (where both inputs and outputs are hidden).

  • ParseDestIdxKey.java is used to parse the output of filter_src_dst_txs.py, converting hashes to ids and adding indices. The output format is dstId idx keyId. The output file is DestKeysRingCTFiltered3.

  • FilterTraced.java is used to filter DestKeysRingCTFiltered3 down to those inputs we have ground truth for, resulting in DestKeysRingCTTraced.

  • CountStatsTracedDstKeys.java then reads DestKeysRingCTTraced and generates stats on the number of correct and incorrect merging outputs guesses by number of mixins. Output file is MergingOutputStats.

  • GetTracedDstTxTypes.java reads DestKeysRingCTTraced and outputs srcType dstType (types are 1, 2, or 3, as explained above).