
A Solidity static analyzer to identify contract vulnerabilities and gas efficiencies.

Primary LanguageRust


A Solidity static analyzer to identify contract vulnerabilities and gas efficiencies.

.------. .------. .------. .------. .------. .------. .------.
|S.--. | |O.--. | |L.--. | |S.--. | |T.--. | |A.--. | |T.--. |
| :/\: | | :/\: | | :/\: | | :/\: | | :/\: | | (\/) | | :/\: |
| :\/: | | :\/: | | (__) | | :\/: | | (__) | | :\/: | | (__) |
| '--'S| | '--'O| | '--'L| | '--'S| | '--'T| | '--'A| | '--'T|
`------' `------' `------' `------' `------' `------' `------'

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Installing Solstat

Running Solstat

Currently Identified Optimizations, Vulnerabilities and QA


Installing Solstat

First, make sure that you have Rust installed. Then you can choose either of the installation methods by entering the corresponding command in your terminal below.

Install from crates.io

cargo install solstat

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/0xKitsune/solstat &&
cd solstat &&
cargo install --path .

Running Solstat

Now that you have Solstat invlolved, you can use the solstat command from anywhere in your terminal. By default, Solstat looks for a ./contracts directory and analyzes every file within the folder. If you would like to specify the directory Solstat should use, you can pass the --path flag (ex. solstat --path <path_to_dir>).

In the default configuration, Solstat runs analysis for every currently included Optimization, Vulnerability and QA, however if you would like to run analysis for select patterns, you can create a .toml file for your custom configuration. Check out the default Solstat.toml configuration for reference. After creating a custom .toml file, make sure to pass the --toml flag when running Solstat (ex. solstat --toml <path_to_toml_file>).

Once Solstat runs its analysis, a report will be generated and output as solstat_report.md.

At any point you can use solstat --help to see a list of all commands and options.

Usage: solstat [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path <PATH>  Path to the directory containing the files Solstat will analyze. The default directory is `./contracts`
  -t, --toml <TOML>  Path to the toml file containing the Solstat configuration when not using the default settings.
  -h, --help         Print help information

Currently Identified Optimizations, Vulnerabilities and QA

Below are the currently identified optimizations, vulnerabilities and qa patterns that Solstat identifies. If you would like to check out a list of patterns that are ready to be implemented and you would like to add them to the repo, you can check out the Contribution.md!

Gas Optimizations


  • Use selfbalance() instead of address(this).balance.


  • Use assembly to check for address(0).


  • When updating a value in an array with arithmetic, using array[index] += amount is cheaper than array[index] = array[index] + amount. This optimization also catches other arithmetic, bitwise and other operations.


  • Instead of if (x == bool), use if(x) or when applicable, use assembly with iszero(iszero(x)).


  • Cache array length during for loops.


  • Mark storage variables as constant if they never change and are not marked as constants.


  • Mark storage variables as immutable if variables are assigned during deployment and never change afterwards.


  • Use unchecked{++i} instead of i++, or ++i (or use assembly when applicable). This also applies to decrementing as well.


  • Use calldata for function arguments marked as memory that do not get mutated.


  • Use multiple require() statments insted of require(expression && expression && ...).


  • Tightly pack storage variables for efficient contract storage.


  • Tightly pack struct variables for efficient contract storage.


  • Mark functions as payable (with discretion).


  • Identifies when SafeMath is being used if the contract using solidity >= 0.8.0. Using Safemath when using version >= 0.8.0 is redundant and will incur additional gas costs.


  • Identifies when SafeMath is being used if the contract using solidity < 0.8.0. Consider using assembly with overflow/undeflow protection for math (add, sub, mul, div) instead of SafeMath.


  • Right shift or Left shift instead of dividing or multiplying by powers of two.


  • Use assembly to hash instead of Solidity.


  • Use assembly for math (add, sub, mul, div).


  • Use assembly to write storage values.


  • Use custom errors instead of string error messages for contracts using Solidity version >= 0.8.4.




Contributions are welcome and encouraged! If you are interested in contributing, please check out the Contributing.md file.