
Docker Compose development environment for php. Project folder storing files and mail testing tool available.

Primary LanguagePHP


Docker Compose PHP Apache + Mailhog

Docker Compose project to deploy development environment for PHP. Configured to store files changes locally in project folder matching the purpose of completely storing project in github. Additionally empowered with Mailhog - email testing tool.


  • 📦 PHP Apache and Email Testing
  • 🗂️ File changes storing in project folder
  • 🚀 Commit changes to github repository

For development purpose only, don't use in production.

🚀 Getting Started

1. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/dendrofen/docker-compose-php-apache-mail.git

2. Docker compose

Run docker compose in cloned project folder

docker-compose up -d

❗️ Note: Default docker compose is for Apple Silicon chips, form AMD use following:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.amd.yml up -d

3. Start your changes

Once docker-compose run completed, you are free to make changes under www folder.

🔗 Interface links

🧑🏻‍💻 PHP Environment

Project Structure

Folder www contains files using on server, this should be considered as root server directory. All changes should be made under this directory.


Project contains composer preinstalled with psr-4 autoload. Composer will build modules every docker container start, or you can do manage it manually using container console.

Mailer demo

Project contains mailer demo fibric class, in www/src/Mailer.php. Mailer functional using PHPMailer. Every index page reload there is new demo email send, code in www/src/Home.php.

Persisted www

Changes per this directory would be synced with docker container as normally called - volume persistance. Your changes would be live-synced with docker container and visa-versa.

PHP settings

.docker/php.ini file includes settings for php

❗️ Note: Reload the container to see changes if modified