
A backend app that facilitates an e-commerce car shop, a consisting of micro-services built with NestJs and GRPC.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A backend app that facilitates an e-commerce car shop, a consisting of micro-services built with NestJs and GRPC.


  • Users can sign up.
  • User can sign in.
  • Admin can add a car.
  • A car typically has a make, model, features, price, location and vin.
  • A User can topup his/her wallet.
  • User with a sufficient wallet balance can purchase a car.
  • User gets notified via email 5 minutes after a successful car purchase.

Getting Started

To get a copy of this project up and running on your local machine for testing and development, you would need to have docker installed.


You must have

  1. Docker
  2. GIT bash


To get started, clone this repository on your local machine using the following steps:

Open your terminal and navigate to the folder you want the project to be and enter the the following commands:

$ git clone -b develop https://github.com/daylay92/car-check-app.git
$ cd car-check-app

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the environment variables described in the .env.sample file. Below are the most relevant environment variables:

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY - Sendgrid API key for sending dynamic email notification.
  • SENDGRID_EMAIL - Sendgrid email (single sender verification).

Starting the application

To start the all the microservices and the gateway service, run the following:

docker-compose up --build


  • Node JS
  • NestJs
  • MongoDB
  • Typescript
  • Docker


The API is currently in version 1 (v1) and can be found at Base URL. Please note that the app must be running on your local machine before you can interact with the APIs.

API Documentation

Once the applications are running, You can find the documentation here API DOCS For best results, I recommend testing via the API DOCS

Handy Credential

Since only admins can create a car and view all purchases, I have added an admin credential below for testing:

email : admin@carcheck.com
password : admin01

N.B : The credential has been seeded into the user's db so that you can interact with Admin specific features out of the box.


  • Ayodele Akinbohun