Code to produce jets and tracks from the CMS HiForest. Setup here:
Setup CMSSW (just for root versioning)
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc10
cmsrel CMSSW_12_5_0
cd CMSSW_12_5_0/src
Inside of the src folder, download the code using
git clone
cd XeXe2017skims
Before compile the code you must check the lines 4 (CMSSW/src) and 6 (.../XeXe2017skims) and replace by your own folders.
Once this steps are done you can compile the code with
g++ -O2 XeXeSkim.C `root-config --libs` `root-config --cflags` -o XeXeSkim
This will create the executable: XeXeSkim
After that you will need your VOMS certificate, do it using
voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms --out voms_proxy.txt --hours 200
that creates a certificate file valid for 200 hours: voms_proxy.txt
Now you can submit the condor jobs using the python script,
python -i input_text_file -o output_name_file -m X -s Y
input_text_file: is the text file (use it without the .txt extension) with inputs and can be found in the folders MC_SAMPLES or DATA_SAMPLES each .root input will be a job
output_name_file: output file name (use it without the .root extension), it will automatically include a counter for each input. You can use paths to save on EOS.
X: 0 for data and 1 for MC
Y: name for the submission files, I have used HTcondor_sub_ + some information from the sample, pthat, MB, ...
It will automatically include a counter for each input