

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Oh Auth! 😬

We are building a platform to help you keep track of how many issues you open and close each week.


Installation instructions

  • Clone the repo
  • Run npm install
  • Add a postgres admin called CREATE USER ohadmin WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'letmein';
  • Add the database CREATE DATABASE ohauth_db OWNER ohadmin;
  • Add a config.env file with the env variables in it (get these from us)
  • Run node src/db_build.js to build the database
  • Run npm start to start the database
  • Go to localhost:4000


  • Hapi
  • Inert
  • Env2
  • Request

Key files

[to be added]

Who, what why


I am a student developer And I want to improve my efficiency and make sure I complete tasks So I can develop good work practices


Velocity tracker

  • get a list of issues assigned to a user
  • sort them into open v closed
  • 'in the last week how many issues that are assigned to me have been open vs those that have been opened'

STRETCH GOAL: visualise the data using chart.js


  • Server
  • Nightwatch


To learn about OAuth, JWTs and cookies