
Very crude QGIS implementation of GSIP

Primary LanguagePython

GSIP QGIS demonstration

This is essentially the same application than the web version, but running in QGIS. It superficially looks like BRGM's Application Schema toolbox (https://github.com/BRGM/gml_application_schema_toolbox), but is far less sophisticated. The GSIP plugin only deals with landing pages and does not attempt to parse the linked representation themselves. It will load a geojson in QGIS if this representation is available and that's it. BRGM plugin will actually parse the domain model (GML application) and navigate it. One thing that could be done is to link the GSIP plugin with the app schema plugin (on the TODO list !)

important notes

rdflib is not available in QGIS, so it must be installed. For Windows (?), it means it must be installed in QGIS own python3 environment.

For linux, just make sure you install with pip3 (my default setup on my environment was installing python 2.7).

For Linux pip3 install rdflib should do the trick (you might need to install pip3 : https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-pip-on-ubuntu-18.04/)

For Windows, instructions from this excellent post:


Once OSGeo4W shell is running, just type


this should set up the environment to run pip. You can try launching python with


Once you managed to get a python3 running, go back to console (exit python3) and run

python3 -m pip install rdflib

and then install the json-ld plugin

python3 -m pip install rdflib-jsonld

Now, you're not totally off the hook. There is a bug (?) in rdflib that does not consider the possibility that stdout might be None - which is apparently the case when ran from QGIS, so you will get a

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isatty'

This seems to be a problem on Windows only.

you must fix this by editing the RDFlib init.py file

on my installation, it's located :

C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.10\apps\Python37\Lib\site-packages\rdflib\__init__.py

and line 78 has

if not hasattr(__main__, '__file__') and sys.stdout.isatty():

just add another condition to check if stdout is not None

if not hasattr(__main__, '__file__') and sys.stdout is not None and sys.stdout.isatty():

This worked for me.

initial dataset

good to start with https://geoconnex.ca/gsip/resources/catchment/catchments