Java Programming and Computational Design date: 2013-06-01 00:34:15 name: Computer Science 046 | factsheets
Variable_Declaration | Comment | Note |
int age = 21; | This declares an integer variable and initializes it to 21. | Recommended |
int nextAge = age + 1; | The initial value of a variable can be an expression (as long as age has been previously declared.) | Recommended |
String course= "Udacity"; | The variable has type String and is assigned an initial value of "Udacity". | Recommended |
score= 80; | ERROR: the type is required. This statement will not declare a variable. It is an assignment statement which assigns a new value to an existing variable. | NOT Recommended |
int age= "42"; | ERROR: You cannot initialize a number with a String. "42" is a String. See the quotation marks. | NOT Recommended |
int age; | This declares an integer variable without initializing it. It is best to initialize variables when they are created: int age = 0; If you do not know what value you want yet | ---- |
Naming Rule | Example |
Names must consist of letters, numbers, an underscore, or a dollar sign only. | score_1 |
Don't use single letter variable name as you do in mathematics. While it is legal in Java, it is usually not a good idea because it can make programs harder to understand. (you will encounter a couple of exceptions later) | a |
WARNING: Names are case sensitive. Note that by convention, variable names start with a lowercase letter | FinalGrade, finalGrade, and FINALGRADE are all different variables |
ERROR Names cannot start with a number. | 7up |
ERROR. You cannot use a reserved word as a name. | int |
ERROR: You cannot use special characters such as * or & in names. | m&m |
ERROR: Names cannot contain spaces. | final grade |
Number Types
Type | Range | Size |
int (integer) | –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647(~2.14 billion) | 4 bytes |
short (integer) | -32,768 to 32,767 | 2 bytes |
long (integer) | –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | 8 bytes |
byte | -128 to 127 | 1 byte |
double(double-precision floating point) | range of about + or - 10^308 | 8 bytes |
float(single-precision floating point) | range of about + or - 10^38 & about 7 significant decimal places | 4 bytes |
char | represents a Unicode character | 2 bytes |
boolean | has only 2 possible values: true or false | 1 bit |
Number Literals | Description | Examples |
int | An integer has no fractional part and can be positive, negative, or 0. | 5,-100,0 |
double | A number with fractional part | 1.7, 1.0, 2.4E5, 3.47E-2 |
ERROR | Do not use a comma to separate thousands | 1,000,000 |
ERROR | Do not use a fraction. Use a decimal instead. | 3 1/4 |
Integer Arithmetic
Expression | Value (when n =2497) | Description |
n/10 | 249 | Notice that the answer is an integer with no decimal part. |
n % 10 | 7 | Always the last digit of n |
n /100 | 24 | Again, decimal part is discarded. Removes the last 2 digits. |
n % 100 | 97 | The last two digits. |
n % 2 | 1 | If n % 2 is 0 the number is even. Otherwise it is odd. |
Math Functions
Method | Return Value |
Math.sqrt (n) | Square root of n ( if n is > or = to 0) |
Math.pow(a,b) | a^b( if a = 0, b must be >0) |
Math.sin(n) | Sine of n where n is in radians |
Math.cos(n) | Cosine of n where n is in radians |
Math.tan(n) | Tangent of n where n is in radians |
Math.round(n) | closest integer to n as a long |
Math.ceil(n) | smallest integer > or = to n as a double |
Math.floor(n) | largest integer < or = to n as a double |
Math.toRadians(n) | Converts n degrees to radians |
Math.toDegrees(n) | Converts n radians to degrees |
Math.abs(n) | Absolute value of n |n| |
Math.max(a,b) | The larger of a and b |
Math.min(a,b) | The smaller of a and b |
Math.exp(n) | e^n |
Math.log(n) | natural log of n |
Math.log10(n) | Base 10 log of n |
String Formatting
Code | In an Example | Type | What It Prints |
d | "%4d" | Decimal integer | 123 |
x | "%x" | Hexadecimal integer | 7A |
o | "%o" | Octal integer | 173 |
f | "%5.2f" | Fixed floating-point | 12.30 |
e | "%e" | Exponential (very large or small) floating-point | 1.23e+1 |
g | "%3.2g" | General (medium sized) floating-point | 12.3 |
s | "%s" | String | Tax: |
n | "%n" or "\n" | Line end |
Format Flags
Flag | In an Example | Meaning | What It Prints |
- | "%-6d" | Align left | an integer that takes 6 spaces and starts in the first one |
0 | "%07.2f" | Show leading zeroes | 0001.23 |
+ | "%+7.2f" | Show a plus sign for positive numbers | +1.23 |
( | "%(6.2f" | Enclose negative numbers in parentheses | -1.23 would look like (1.23) |
, | "%,10d" | Show decimal separators | 12,300 |
^ | "%^s" | convert letters to uppercase | "tax:" would print as "TAX:" |
Example_Code_For_String_Methods | Result | Other info |
String str = "Java "; str = str + "Programming" |
str is assigned the value "Java Programming" | The + sign is used to concatenate Strings |
String answer = "Total: " + 42; | answer is set to "Total: 42" | Because "Total: " is a string 42 is converted to a string and then the concatenation takes place |
String name = "Sara T"; int len = name.length(); |
len is set to 6 | The number of characters in a string. A space counts as a character |
String city = "San Jose"; String sub = city.substring(1, 3); |
sub is set to "an" | Takes the substring starting at position 1 and ending before position 3 |
String city = "San Jose"; String first = city.substring(0, 1); |
first is set to "S" | Gets the first character. The substring has length 1 |
String city = "San Jose"; String sub = city.substring(4);" |
sub is set to "Jose" | If you only supply one parameter, the substring consists of all characters from that position until the end of the String |
String city = "San Jose"; String last = city.substring(city.length() - 1); |
returns the string containing the last letter in the string ("e") and assigns it to last | str.substring(str.length() - 1) will always give you the last character as a String |
String city = "San Jose"; int index = city.indexOf("Jose") |
index is set to 4 | returns the index where "Jose" starts |
String city = "Santa Barbara"; int index = city.lastIndexOf("a") |
index is set to 12 | returns the index of the last "a" in the string |
String cityWithTypo = "Son Jose"; String cityCorrected = cityWithTypo.replace("Son","San"); |
Changes all ocurrences of "Son" to "San" in cityWithTypo and put the result in cityCorrected | Will also worked the following ("So","Sa"); |
String sentence = "Joseph is in San Jose"; int index = sentence.indexOf("Jose", 2) |
index is set to 17 | indexOf returns the index where "Jose" starts. When an index position is supplied as the second argument (2 in this case), search will begin AFTER that index |
total = 0 for each item total = total + input
matches = 0 for each item if the item matches matches = matches + 1
found = false position = 0 while it's not found, and there are more items if the item at position matches found = true else position = position + 1 if the item was found its location is position
largest = the first item for all the items except the first if the current item is larger than largest replace the value in largest with the current item
Last Update: 21.08.2021