

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Tips , 第三章 :


Note: Some of your animations seem to run really quickly, don’t they? Sometimes it’s tricky to ensure the animation happens at just the right location, and in the correct sequence. Or maybe you just want things to happen slower so you can appreciate the effect! To slow down all animations in your app without changing your code, select Debug/Toggle Slow Animations in Frontmost App from the iPhone Simulator menu. Now tap the Login button in your app and enjoy the animations and transitions in vivid slow motion!


Simulator > Debug > Slow Animations.

Knowledges, 第四章:


The definition of a particle emitted by a CAEmitterLayer.



A layer that emits, animates, and renders a particle system.


You’ve learned an important technique here: transitions can be used to animate changes to non-animatable properties of your views.
That takes care of the image view, but the text labels for the flight number and gate number look like they could use some creative animation: You’ll take care of those next with a faux-3D transition. self.changeFlight(to: data.isTakingOff ? parisToRome : londonToParis, animated: true)

Note: If you want to have some fun, you can try also some of the transition effects from the previous chapter. Keep in mind that transitions like .transitionFlipFromLeft are simply too distracting for the current project. .transitionCrossDissolve is a subtle “background” effect which only enhances the animations, which will happen in the foreground.

障眼法 非常流畅。 单个视图的 移动变化太单调了,弄一个 属性差不多的视图对象 当作残影。

git 操作

  • git push git@dengV:dengV/Anima_Ray.git