
A Serverless Framework project configured to be used with a Postgres db and Sequelize ORM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AWS Lambda x Postgres

A Serverless Framework project configured to be used with a Postgres db and Sequelize ORM

This repository is the result of some work to get an AWS Lambda working with relational database. It can be used as a starter for others that want to connect their serverless function to a new or existing relational database.

What this project features

  • uses Serverless Framework to upload an AWS Lambda Layer containing Postgresql binaries, so your Lambda function can talk to an AWS RDS instance running Postgres
  • pre-packaged Postgres Binary, so all you need to do is run sls deploy -s prod and the layer will be uploaded with your function
  • Sequelize db connection to AWS RDS instance;
  • Sequelize migrations to AWS RDS instance;
  • pre-configured dev and prod environment through the serverless.yml

To use yourself

  • clone or fork this project
  • have Serverless Framework already configured and connected to your AWS account with sls config credentials (read more here)
  • add a config.json to the config folder to enable use of sequelize-clito run your migrations locally and push them to production server (see here for more info on how to format this file)
  • on local, npm install, then (if serverless is already installed) serverless plugin install —name serverless-offline and serverless plugin install —name serverless-sequelize-migrations if you intend to use sequelize to run migrations from this codebase to your local and production databases.
  • most configuration is located in the serverless.yml. You will need to change the following configuration to be consistent with your own AWS RDS instance:
    • vpc > securityGroupIds,
    • vpc > subnetIds
    • prod database credentials
    • dev database credentials
  • if you want to run any migrations use sls migrations up

If you have any problems please create an issue and I'll try to address it.