
A python3 package for operations on pedigree and genotype data

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A python3 package for operations on pedigree and genotype data, including simulation of genotype-phenotype associations under quantitative genetic models

Requires: Python 3.4+, numpy, scipy, pandas, cython


In addition to basic pedigree data manipulation, pydigree also includes submodules for more complicated tasks:

  • simulation: Provides classes for simulating genetic data
  • stats: Classes and functions for statistical genetics
  • mixedmodel: Provides classes for using mixed models with family data
  • io: Provides functions for importing/exporting data from common data formats, including:
  • plink: Functions for working with plink format PED/MAP data
  • vcf: Functions for working with the VCF genotype format
  • genomesimla: Includes a function for reading genomeSIMLA format chromosome templates
  • sgs: Functions for shared genomic segment data


  • Invidiual: Models an individual with pedigree and phenotype data
  • Population: Models groups of Individuals with a common genetic background
  • Pedigree: A special case of Population for related individuals. Implements kinship/inbreeding functions
  • PedigreeCollection: A container class handling multiple pedigrees
  • ChromosomeTemplate: Models a chromosome with information on allele frequency and marker position
  • ChromosomeSet: The set of ChromosomeTemplates for a population
  • Alleles: Stores a haploid set of alleles
  • SparseAlleles: Stores a haploid set of alleles as differences from a reference
  • LabelledAlleles: An efficient container for storing references to a founder chromosome
  • MixedModel: A class for fitting mixed-effect models with related individuals
  • MLEResult: A class containing the maximum likelihood estimates of parameters and values pertaining to the likelihood function at the MLE
  • Architecture: A class describing the genetic architecture for a trait to be used in simulation
  • GeneDroppingSimulation: A base class from which other gene-drop simulation objects inherit
  • NaiveGeneDroppingSimulation: Simulates genetic data for pedigrees by random gene dropping
  • ConstrainedMendelianSimulation: Simulates genetic data for pedigrees from a prespecified inheritance structure
  • SGSAnalysis: A class containing the result of a shared genomic segment (SGS) analysis
  • SGS: A class containing the segments shared between a pair of individuals
  • Segment: A class describing the location of a shared segment between a pair of individuals


  • IterationError: Raised when at iterative algorithm exceeds the maximum allowed number of iterations
  • NotMeaningfulError: Raised when a comparison does not make sense (e.g. is one genotype greater than the other)
  • SimulationError: Raised when an error occurs in a simulation
  • FileFormatError: Raised when an input file can't be parsed successfully


Pydigree includes a few useful scripts for dealing with pedigree data including:

  • simulate_pedigree_data.py: Simulates data from template pedigrees
  • bitsize.py: Calculates bit sizes for each pedigree
  • kinship.py: Caluclates inbreeding coefficients and pairwise kinship coefficients for pedigrees
  • genedrop.py: Performs gene dropping simulations to approximate the actual probability of an IBD configuration
  • polygenic.py: Calculates variance components for normally distributed continuous traits.


J.E. Hicks (2017) Pydigree: a python module for manipulation and simulation and of genetic datasets. biorxiv preprint doi:10.1101/213413

