OpenResty has been installed under /usr/local/openresty, please refer to http://www.openresty.org/ for details.
Redis has been installed.
Modify the Redis settings in lua/appConfig.lua, the defaults are localhost and 6379, and doesn't require pass.
Start the app by running the shell file ./startup.sh, please modify the execution permission if it can't start. Please refer to OpenResty's documentation for how to start the service if you're using Windows to run OpenResty.
There are two modes:
- Single command mode, use one parameter "cmd", access the url http://localhost:6699/redisHttpApi/redisApi?cmd=set('key1','value1') to set the value of a key, and access the url http://localhost:6699/redisHttpApi/redisApi?cmd=get('key1') to retrieve the value of a key. You can use any Redis command, and please refer to http://www.redis.io/commands for details.
- Batch commands mode, use two parameters "mode" and "cmds", the parameter "mode"'s value is "BATCH", and cmds is a JSON array of commands, such as ["set('key1', 'value1')", "get('key1')"]. The API urls are http://localhost:6699/redisHttpApi/redisApi?mode=BATCH&cmds=["set('key1', 'value1')", "get('key1')"]
- In your applications, you can use above URLs to set and get values with Redis, and recommend HTTP POST to use the APIs.