
Matlab toolbox for polyenergetic quantitative (polyquant) X-ray CT reconstruction with demos.


Polyquant CT Reconstruction Toolbox

This Matlab toolbox allows direct quantitative reconstruction from polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography (CT) measurements. We hope you find it useful and welcome any feedback or questions [j.mason@ed.ac.uk].


  • Allows quantitative reconstruction into electron density, mass density, proton stopping power, quasi-monoenergetic and more.
  • Iterative statistical reconstruction under Poisson noise.
  • Metal artefact compensation and correction.
  • Designed for use with Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox operators: ensure the toolbox is in your path (by running its 'setup.m') before running these demos.
  • Non-negative total variation (TV) reguarisation in 2D and 3D, adapted from UNLocBoX.
  • Integrated polyenergetic scatter estimation and mitigation.
  • Accelerated ordered sub-sets algorithm with bit-reversal ordering.


We have included several demos to cover some of its functionality, including:

  • 2D fanbeam CT reconstruction of brain, head, chest, abdomen and pelvis regions.
  • 2D fanbeam CT metal artefact mitigation, from double titanium hip implants.
  • 3D cone-beam CT reconstruction of head and pelvis regions, under 'full-fan' and 'half-fan' scans respectively.
  • 3D cone-beam CT reconstruction with integrated polyenergetic scatter modelling (PolySKS).


These methods are presented in the following publications (please cite if using):

For more details, extensions and its use in radiotherapy, you can read the thesis: Quantitative cone-beam computed tomography reconstruction for radiotherapy planning


Thanks to Mike Davies, Bill Nailon and Alessandro Perelli for their collaboration and supervision during the development of this work. Another thanks to Alessandro for kindly reviewing this code.