EAGLE Parcel and CSD for Cloudera's CDH 5

This Eagle Parcel and CSD greatly simplifies setting up a Eagle cluster on your Cloudera cluster.

Table of Contents


1. Install the CSD

  1. In /apache-eagle/eagle-external/eagle-cdh,you can build it using the maven command "mvn assembly:assembly" and use the jar compiled in target folder
  2. Upload the CSD jar to your Cloudera Manager node, place it in /opt/cloudera/csd/
  3. Restart cloudera-scm-manager on Clouder Manager node:
service cloudera-scm-server restart

2. Downloading and Distributing Eagle Parcel

  1. Build the eagle parcel, please refer to Building-a-parcel.
  2. Copy your parcel files(.parcel, .sha, mainfest.json) to host /var/www/html/eagle
  3. Go to your Cloudera Manager: http://cloudera_host:7180 and login with your admin credentials
  4. Click on the parcels icon on the top right corner (next to the search bar)
  5. Click on "Edit Settings"
  6. Add a new value in "Remote Parcel Repository URLs", enter the IP address for the machine on which you just setup your HTTP server, for example: http://hostname/eagle
  7. Save your changes and go back to Parcels page by clicking on the Parcels icon on the top right corner (next to the search bar)
  8. Click on "Check for New Parcels"
  9. You should see "Eagle" parcel in the list. Download it, then distribute it and activate it
  10. You will be prompted to restart your cluster, click "Restart". Once that's done, you will need to restart "Cloudera Management Service" manually as well
  11. Now you should be able to simply add your new Eagle service through CM. (click on the little arrow next your cluster name and click "Add Service", follow the wizard instructions)