
Responsive web design curriculum freecodecamp: build a survey form

Yes SheCodes without STEM Survey Form

Project II: FreeCodeCamp Web Design

Table of Content


Because I like to color 🌈 my life with some css on html, I decided to follow the freecodecamp web design curriculum.
Buiding a survey form is one of the project requirements and that's why I'm here 😊.


Because the basics in any technology are key, for this project I used plain

  • html
  • css (Grid and Flexbox for responsiveness)


⚠️ Don't do it only in local. Set your remote repository righ away!

Create an empty repository in your github account by following these steps:

  1. Open your github account and click on the Plus Sign (+) at the right end of the menu bar
    Then click on New Repository github account

    Profile icon
  2. Give your repo a Name and Description
    Don't check any of the these: Add README file, Add .gitignore and Choose a liscence
    (you will create them locally and push to github)
    Click on Create repository

    Create Repo


  1. Create a dev directory in your local env

    Create dev dir
  2. Navigate into the directory and git bash by rightclicking and clicking Git Bash Here

    Git bash
  3. Command line opens up: Type the command git init -b [name of branche].
    (my branch name is main)

    Git init

Now you are ready to fly
But the final steps 😜

  • Go to your prefered text editor (Visual Studio code for me)
  • Open your project:
    File --> Open folder --> Browse to your dev directory

Code, Commit, Push!!
You have it Local, you have it Remote 💃🏽

To see how to connect your local and remote repository to work effortlessly click @Yes Shecodes without STEM🤎